To echo what CSUsaxguy said: If the students are not terribly kinesthetically aware or used to activities like this here is what will happen: they will start to move around a lot during the 'happy' parts and continue to do the same types of motions during the 'sad' parts because they will focused on the moving and not listening.
Another suggestion - get some recordings of music that contains contrasting sections and demonstrate some motions with them having them echo your body motions. This way you'll be raising their kinesthetic vocabulary and helping them associate the aesthetic of the motions with the elements of the music. You might want to look into Laban's types of motion or work by John Feierabend who has a whole book out on Movement Exploration.
Overall movement is a tricky route - we can all move, but moving with purpose is a learned skill, not intrinsic. If you expect the students to be able to move appropriately without having taught them how you may end up shooting yourself in the foot. The activity has the earmarks of assessment - you are expecting them to engage in an activity independently in a manner which is appropriate to the music. Make sure that you've taught the skill before you assess it.
Another suggestion - get some recordings of music that contains contrasting sections and demonstrate some motions with them having them echo your body motions. This way you'll be raising their kinesthetic vocabulary and helping them associate the aesthetic of the motions with the elements of the music. You might want to look into Laban's types of motion or work by John Feierabend who has a whole book out on Movement Exploration.
Overall movement is a tricky route - we can all move, but moving with purpose is a learned skill, not intrinsic. If you expect the students to be able to move appropriately without having taught them how you may end up shooting yourself in the foot. The activity has the earmarks of assessment - you are expecting them to engage in an activity independently in a manner which is appropriate to the music. Make sure that you've taught the skill before you assess it.
Just my personal take.
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