I Am Jack's Journal Entry...

Jan 29, 2004 20:58

I'm bored, so I'm writing.  Isn't that a novel idea?

Today sucked.  Royally.  I don't really know why it sucked, but it was just a shitty day in general.  I think it's because I'm starting to lose patience with a lot of people.  I don't exactly know why, but I'm going through another one of those phases and it's not a particularly good one.  I've come to realize that a lot of people aren't who I thought they once were anymore.  Albeit, I could be the one that's changing, it's just weird having such mixed opinions for people that you used to be so close to.  I dunno.  I'm just going to roll up in a ball and lie in the fetal posistion until I figure everything out.  That sounds like fun, doesn't it?  Yeah, I thought so too.

::Stops writing to go eat dinner.  Bear with me, I'm hungry and grumpy.  There are certain things I must do and eating is definitely one of them.::

::Resumes writing.  Feeling bloated and gassy.  Watch out world, here I come.::

Ok, so getting back to today.  It was uneventful.  I know I didn't learn anything useful today and I guarantee you that I lost 50 points off of my IQ after I watched that insanely boring, and not to mention stupid, assembly.  Granted, I wasn't sitting in Chem, it was the biggest waste of 30 minutes I think I've ever seen in my life.  The only good part about it was that I got Bubbles...Bubbles make Shawn happy.  So along with my bubbles and wasted education, I had to tutor my Argentinian ESL girl today.  Man lemme tell ya, that is the most fun I've had in ages.  Well, not really, but I like to make it sound like I'm a good person and I enjoy helping others.  The only upside to today's session was that she actually started to understand this whole Geometry thing.  She's finally making my life easier...She knows how many degrees are in a circle.  There is a God!  (If you hadn't heard, she didn't know that answer a mere 2 days ago.)  To go off on a tangent here:  Strom smells like Peanut Butter.  That is all.

::Gets side tracked watching The Apprentice.  I can't help that I'm a trash TV junkie.::

I have no idea what I was talking about, but I'm sure it wasn't important.  Nothing in this thing is worth more than 2 cents.  Back to rambling.  I had a nice little chat with Van Over today.  He's really not that bad of a guy when he's not teaching.  Shocking, I know.  Not to mention, he's the one teacher I can talk shit to and he'll give it right back.  He likes me.  He really really likes me.  Wow. ;0)  Now, all I have to do is start bribing him so he'll give me an A.  Asshole.

So I'm sitting her watching The Apprentice and I've run out of things to say.  I'm normally full of shit to ramble about, but it appears that I've temporarily lost my touch.  This is truly a tragic occurence.  I'm sure you'll all get over it.

::Beats head against the wall.  Hey, it could help me get my touch back, right?::

Well, my closing thought for the night will be focused on Fight Club.  Quite possibly one of the greatest movies ever.  If you haven't seen this movie you should be shot.  It's simply that good.  Now listen carefully.  Get Up, Put On Clothes, Get In The Car, Go To Blockbuster and Rent Fight Club.  You will not regret it.  It's a cult classic, you can't help but love it.  It will make you think about the meaning of life and what all of this useless shit we live with means to us.  It reminds me of my life.  That right there should make you want to watch it.  Ha.  Anyways, go out and watch it.  It's awesome.  Edward Norton is like my alter ego.  It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  HaHa.

Ok, I'm getting bored of writing...Right.About.Now.  Yes, definitely done.


P.S.  The Fat Guy Shouldn't Have Been Fired On The Apprentice.  I Weep For Him.
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