Dir en grey: Tour08 The Rose Trims Again-Nov 29 @ LA Wiltern

Dec 01, 2008 18:13

wow~! I haven't been on lj in a while. sry, I've been addicted to ms XP hey hey at least i haven't been sucked into the world of fb yet! good enough eh lolz
ok, so a short concise account of camp-out n the diru live...

I met w/ izumi n her friends @ wiltern on Thurs afternoon. wiltern had a sign that said "please enjoy your thanksgiving holiday. do not line-up until sat 8am" so the original line was across the st. There were already about 10 or more ppl ahead of us. They had set up a # system where we put our names on the list n have our # drawn on our hands. It was a great idea to prevent ppl from cutting n such. It turned out to be alot more helpful later on tho ^^'''
It was super super cold that night; around 40 degrees or so. Even tho we had a room at Ramada inn, we had to take shifts for line duty. around 12 AM a dude came over n asked us for a cig, our group just ignored him like all the other hobos, drug dealers, and good wishers (who thought we were homeless n gave my friends thanksgiving food XD'') the guy moved on to the other diru fans n started talking about how this is MS gang territory n that they were in a war w/ the other gang that own the other side. he warned us that if we didn't leave now, he would call his ppl n that would "bang bang bang" us = =''''' I didn't really believe the crap but i listened to the others who knew downtown well. They knew that the MS gang is crazy n would shoot anyone n were quite scared...so we ended up taking some (7) ppl into our hotel. the five guys who arrived first n had already gotten pit bracelets decided to stay at wiltern to watch for new ppl n # them also. n the rest of us went to bed all nice until we were woken up by 1 phone call about how a bitch arrived. she would not follow the system. so we all rushed down as a group ready for a fight but the bitch was quite cooperative upon meeting us XDDD lmfao we were quite grouchy n tired because we had only slept for 3 hrs so we decided we wait for the next shift's security guard. after talking w/ him, we decided to move the line down to coffee beans.
so there we ended up sleeping until 10 in the morning. it all passed quite peacefully until we had to move our line again. I was used as a translator to help these 2 jpn girls who flew all the way from tokyo ^^ while moving i saw sonia but like usual we just nodded n that was all.
after settling down into a line (not in order of # tho) my group made friends w/ these girls who were from out of state n had camped-out 2 other concerts of this tour. they were planning to go to the one in seattle next. so lucky~!!! they loved die so naturally he suffered the brunt of their jokes...quite crude jokes that even i was shocked at in the beginning but they were really quite funny. n they had stories about encountering diru in the streets tho they kept their distance n all. very admirable! we spent the night there n were egged by this car of korean guys >:O only one person was hit but it was very dirty n mean business. grrr @ 1 am the list was gone thro again n we were given new #'s n stamped on our hands.
finally it was the other girls' turn to man the station so me, izumi, and andrea went up. but because katie ended up coming up n once again not doing her line-duty. there was also not enough room too sleep cause we shared one room w/ many ppl (including sarah n darice). izumi ended up going back down because we needed one person from out number group down there (non-chan, pi-chan, n the other girl were from our group but had diff #'s).
the next morning @ 7 i went down w/ the others to wait for the nice security guard to come n lead our whole line to the wiltern. the start of the line was marked by the orange cone n we finally settled down. it made us all feel less edgy. then we slept for 2 more hrs. that really helped cause i was dying from lack of sleep n had a slight fever the night before XP later it was our turn for the showers. I took quite a while to get ready XD but at least i was presentable! for the next few hrs we just hanged out @ our station n also went around checking out the line's growth.
I ended up having sarah take my deluxe edition of Uroboros into the venue for the meet & greet after the concert. thx so much again sarah!!!!!!! i luv ya~! lol
so we lined up found out about the livenation speedline. stopped a girl from creating her own speedline. then when the security guard told us to create the speeline, the # system was screwed over n every rushed for the line. later we realized that the line was only for will call so we all rushed back n tried to reorganize the regular line. it was only 2 hrs before doors open so everyone was nervous n bitchy as hell. later we realized that the speedline will still cont n will start forming now = =. i rushed over n tried to line up. some of the girls who camped out early got angry n went directly to the head of the speedline so i joined them XD'' later izumi n i had to stop a fight btw 4 girls from happening...
Sarah n Darice ended up switching tickets w/ izumi n andrea so they could enter w/ us early. it was awesome!!! we were def w/in the first ten ^-^ after a long n freezing wait, the doors opened n we rushed in. I was able to get a bar spot almost directly in front of kyo XD
the opening band was...bleh...but much better than the 2nd opening band @ avalon live last time ^^''''
a couple of weak ppl who had never been in pit (only got in because livenation screwed ppl over) before fainted before diru even came on stage O.O'''''''
finally diru came up! i had clear view of all members!!! n i could finally see shinya clearly for the first time XD so happy!!! kyo started out w/ spurting water into the crowd. I got a faceful n some in my mouth XDDDDDDDD
the concert was unbelievable as always.
i had some minor irritation w/ the girl behind me but after some teaching from me n my usual thrashing...surprisingly i realized that there was a lot of room behind me...quite weird actually XD lmfao
toshiya's bald side grew out stubble so i was very relieved; didn't have to stare 2 his gleaming head =X lmfao he came over to stand directly in front of me twice. every time i immediately diverted my attention from kyo (hard to keep ur eyes off) n gave totchi my full support! but most of the ppl around me were still starting at kyo ^^'''...so i swear his eyes met mine for a sec n nodded XDDD *dies in happiness*
glass skin was awesome...moved me close to tears...
during the break before encore, the chant died quickly so my friends n i took up the chant n were the only ones chanting for a long time until some ppl joined in. then diru appeared again!
after much more headbanging n shaking by us, the concert ended...wayyyy too soon T.T kyo left the stage quick as always. i got an faceful n eyeful of the water totchi spit out XDDD''' i was afraid my contact had fallen out ^^'''' lolz
then it all ended w/ kaoru stepping onto kyo's step n going his classic manly move XDDDDD the whole crowd responded w/ the same move. it was an epic way to end the concert!
afterward i had hell of a time walking like a bobblehead = =.
then i had to fight my way thro the crowd to buy merch. i bought 2 tour shirts, 2 stickers, the american version of uroboros(to get in the meet&greet), and a hoodie.
i lined up for the meet&greet n saw that it was die n shinya doing the signing =) I had a hard time w/ all my burdens trying to take my deluxe edition out of the plastic sleeve n arranging it to the place i wanted them to sign.
then it was my turn. I placed the album in front of shinya n was about to ask in japnese if they could sign this when he grabbed it n signed in the corner. i was nervous as hell n didn't want to make a fool of myself so i just thanked him w/ all my heart n moved on to die. he wrote dir en grey first n then signed his name (all in big letters) ^-^ I thanked n bowed then left.
I had the LP cover signed because I want to frame it n then hang it up ^^
after that i cleaned my stuff from the hotel n went home w/ sarah n darice. we were all exhausted but giddy as hell XDD

yea....sry this wasn't very concise now was it XDD lmfao great job for those who bothered to read thro this lolz

tour08, campout, concert, dir en grey

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