To Die is To Awake (5)

Apr 19, 2011 12:56

Title: To Die is to Awake
Author: music_addict14
Rating: pg-13
Pairing: Zack Merrick/Jack Barakat (past: rian/ zack)
POV: Zack
Summary: Zack needed to live his life. Jack was going to help.
Disclaimer: I do not own the guys! I really hope this never ever happens. Title cred: Million Dollar Houses (The Painter) -pierce the veil
Author Notes: this is dirty work

I made my way through the school wordlessly. I hadn’t talked to Jack or Alex or, well anyone since the party. When my parents would talk to me I only gave them one word answers. I was silenced by the shock of abandonment I guess. All I wanted was a friend but instead I got screwed over. I had wanted to stay home from school but my mom would have no part of it. In her eyes I was only sick if I was puking and that did not seem like an enjoyable thing to make myself do. So I went to school. I kind of moped around all day. I kept my head down and didn’t make eye contact with anyone. I just sort of day dreamed all day. I didn’t think paying attention was really needed. When the bell for lunch rang I made my way to the cafeteria. I had every intention on sitting alone. I saw Alex try to wave me over but I just turned the other direction and found an unoccupied table. I lost myself in my thoughts and planned on staying in those thoughts for as long as I possibly could. “Why are you sitting hear all by yourself?” I was pulled from my trance. A boy with red hair had placed himself in the seat across from me. I had never talked to this boy before. I got nervous and couldn’t even form the words to say hi. “I’m Caleb by the way. You’re Zack right?” I nodded shyly. How the fuck did this kid know my name. “You’re in some of my classes and you seemed kind of sad today. I came over here to see if you wanted to talk, but it seems like you’re not the talking type so you don’t have to.” As he spoke I realized I did want someone to talk to. I would have talked to anything that would respond at that point but a cute boy wasn’t such a bad candidate. “People are just being really mean.” I sounded like a four year old but this boy made me nervous. He seemed sweet enough but I couldn’t help but notice that people around were staring. On edge about something. I just focused on Caleb though and pushed to tension to the back of my mind.

“So do you wanna come hang out at my house?” Caleb hadn’t left my side since lunch and it had grown to comfort me. We were walking out of the school now and I was complaining about how I had nothing to do and Caleb’s offer was quite tempting. “Sure that would be nice.” We made our way to the boy’s car and I saw Alex and Jack staring at me. I couldn’t really read the expressions on their faces so I focused my attention on Caleb, who had climbed into the driver’s seat and turned the car on. Loud music that I didn’t know came through the speakers and we were driving away. I took one more glance back at the two boys in the parking lot and my smile grew. Jack looked really mad and Alex looked worried. Maybe they were jealous that I had a new friend. That thought certainly made me feel better.

When we crossed the threshold into Caleb’s house I noticed things were a little off. It was dark inside, no lights on and the walls were dark. It looked messy, like no one had cleaned it up in a few days. It was a little sketchy if I was going to be totally honest with myself. I had stuck myself to the floor, not really sure if I wanted to go farther into the house. That was the first time Caleb grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. I looked down at our hands and slowly made my way up to his eyes. “Why is it so dark in here Caleb?”

“No lights are on stupid. We don’t keep lights on when no one is home, it’s a waste of energy.” He rolled his eyes but kept the smile on his face. “But it’s kind of messy.”

“Wow what are you, the house police or something? My mom hasn’t been home to pick up around here.” His smile shrunk a little but he still kept his sweet tone of voice. “Where did your mom go?”

“You know what that doesn’t matter. Let’s go up to my room and watch some TV or whatever.” He sounded angry with that answer. It was like the simple questions I was asking were irritating him. They were harmless really. I just wanted to know. It scared me how his mood changed like that. He had been so nice at school and just a few minutes before. I didn’t think it was normal how fast he changed. Either way I let him guide me up the stairs by my hand. Up the stairs and to the door of the boys room. As he opened the one

Blockade to what I would have expected to be a dark dirty room I was sorely mistaken. His room was clean and brighter than the hall had been. Even with the new environment I was still a little uneasy about what I was getting myself into. He lead me to his bed and invited me to sit down. He turned the TV on and sat down next to me. He was really close to me and it was getting harder to focus on the television and not on Caleb. His arms wrapped around me and he dropped his lips onto my cheek and every other place on my face before he finally found my lips. He gently pushed my shoulders down against the bed. Moving to straddle over my waist. I didn’t want this to happen. I didn’t even know this boy and everything was going to fast. I was starting to wonder if Caleb did this a lot. I thought that what was going to happen was why everyone seemed so worried at school when they saw me talking to him. I suddenly realized that I had done something really stupid and I knew I had to stop this. “Caleb, no I don’t want to.”

“Come on don’t be a baby it’ll be fun.” As I continued to say no his grip on me got tighter and I couldn’t move. He just pushed me back farther into the bed and kept going. That was the first time.

author: music_addict14, jack barakat, zack merrick

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