Peacelover - speak up

Jan 22, 2015 10:54

Не все немцы были нацистами в 1920-1930-х годах. Не все русские поддерживали Сталина. Не все мусульмане являются исламскими фанатиками. Большинство населения планеты - мирные люди, peacelovers. Вопрос в том, как эта мирность себя проявляет, что в состоянии противопоставить агрессивности, ксенофобии, геополитических милитаристским лобби и т.д.

Peacelover - speak up

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P.S. В раздумьях по поводу того, стоит ли что-то делать для развития music_action.

Not all Germans were Nazi's in the 1920´s and 1930´s. Not all Russians supported Stalin. Not all Muslims are Islamic fanatics. The majority of the world population are peacelovers! But it helps very little if they never speak up! Only then can we make history stop repeating itself. So peacelover, please speak up whenever you can! Spread the word!

I see them come - I see them go
I see them march over land
I see them fly - over the sky
I see them fight - don’t know why

Do they have kids - these men
Do they know love - are they immune?
Do they have things - they may
Be sad to lose - do they
Do they know love…?

The news are filled - with war and hate
I see the violence day by day
Sure I’m afraid - and I have prayed
That one day we can live without hate

Do they have kids - these men
Do they know love - are they immune?
Do they have things - they may
Be sad to lose - do they
Do they know love…?

So come on please speak up now
This is your chance to make a change in the world
So come on please speak up now
This is your chance to make a change in the world

Peacelover - speak up!

I hear the bombs - Smoke in the clouds
I hear the wounded screaming so loud
I see their guns - I hear their shots
Would this be happening if we had guts?

Do they have kids - these men
Do they know love - are they immune?
Do they have things - they may
Be sad to lose - do they
Do they know love…?

Our history repeats itself
Religion, politics, ourself
So many reasons we can disagree
But if we want to live in peace
We have to speak up with an ease
And history will change - there will be peace…

Peacelover - speak up….

Do they have kids - these men
Do they know love - are they immune?
Do they have things - they may
Be sad to lose - do they
Do they know love…?

So come on please speak up now
This is your chance to make a change in the world
So come on please speak up now
This is your chance to make a change in the world

Peacelover - speak up….
Peacelover - speak up….

пацифизм, eng, против войны, coldplay, антимилитаризм

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