A few thoughts.

Mar 20, 2009 00:10

I go to a college like youth group while at IUPizzle. I really enjoy it, and I'm really starting to make long lasting friendships with some of the people there. When we meet on Wednesday, we discuss a question that we wrote out for the leader/pastor to anser/ask someone to come answer.

This Wednesday, we talked about suidice. A really horrible thing, and it was sadly apporitate since another person died this week at IUP (I know there has deffinatly been two people who died so far this semester, but it might be three). I believe though this talk, God showed me several answers to questions in my head-most of which are private, but here's one that's not.

I often wonered 'If I died 10 mintues from now, who would miss me?' I'd think though the people I know, and reliaze 'No one would ever miss me. I'm an asswhole, socially acwkard to the point of no return, et Cetra'

One of the Pastors said 'If any of you ever have any thought of it in your head, come talk to one of us NOW. We don't want another person gone, we care about you all too much.' At which point, I realized something-I'm thinking of the wrong people. I thought of all my friends at school, and just how wonderful they all are. I relaized that, even though some people I know might be slightly happy I'm gone they 1)have low morals and I really shouldn't care about them and 2)I'm better then that. I don't need people writing on my Facebook/myspace that I'm completely awesome, I just am. I might not be the prettiest, thinnest girl in the world, but my friends love me for being me, and I love them for being them. I have THE bestest friend in the whole wide world, who loves to hang out with me as much as we can.

I guess the whole point I'm trying to make is-People love you more then you know. I really believe the statement of "People you don't even know love you" is completely true. And never, ever, look at the negatives of your past, only the postivies.


Anywho, life has been interesting for me lately. I had pinkeye for the first time ever last week. I tried to infect Dan (in a joking manner), but it was kinda miserable having it. That, not being home for spring break, and Dan being busy all lasy weekend prompted me to go home. It was nice not having to spend a lot of money to wash basically all my clothes/linens, eat good food, and sleep in my bed, even if it was for 2 nights compaired to week.
I've started to work out. I went once last week (I think that's how I got the pinkeye), once this week, and I'm suppose to go on MEGA walk with one of my friends tommorow, or if the weather is bad, just go to the gym. I put shorts on yesterday, and relaized I really need to lose weight.
I'm currently doing paper work to double major in Geography. It shouldn't been too much more work, its pretty much the same requirments in History, minus having to take another math class x_x. But I have so many free electives with my history degree, I needed to do something with it. And I really do like Geography, so it should be fun. Two Bacholers of Arts degrees are better then one, right? Right?

For the first time in forever, Danny and I have a weekend completely free. We're hanging out. No questions. We're going out to eat and hopefully wal-mart/the mall. I'm really excited. We haven't hung out for a long amount of time since before spring break, and this might be one of the last times for awhile. I ask him if sometimes if he needs time away from me, or if he thinks we're hanging out too much, and he always looking at me, says something along the lines of "No Mlelanie, No no no." and just smiles at me. I think thats a good sign, but I'm a chicken about asking him about how he feels. Bah. We're plotting to take another English class together again next semester. I guess thats another good sign. He really really really makes me very happy.

Uh. I think I'm done. for now.
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