Jun 18, 2007 14:05
im just gunna enjoy my summer. forget about boys, stop tlaking to him (he'll miss me eventually right?) and work adn cheer and just hvae a good time and try to stay out of trouble because the whole getting in toruble thing ive decided is overrated but i hvae no problem going and watching adn taking care of frends while they get in trouble. i really just want to have fun with good freids and get closer to everyone im already close with anddd MEET NEW PEOPLE badly i alwyas have that urge tho its terrible im never satisfied with the amount of friends i hvae and i have a goal..tyo fix things with sydney ive been sucha fuck up the past 4 motnhs adn its all changing this summer. im a new katrina and im actually going to do the right thing all of the time or at least most of the time i dont think ill be able to do it all of the time...jsut not the way i am.