(no subject)

Mar 28, 2006 22:40

today we spent 3/4 of our lunch break listening in to the conversation of the people next to us and it was DAMN interesting!
like information overload man. the guy was telling his female friend all the places in Italy and Spain she should visit and he really sounded damn knowledgeable.
he just rambled on, even planning her itinerary for her at one point.
and then, he started talking about visiting Sydney and from what i gathered the girl studied in Sydney so SHE took her turn to ramble on about places to visit and places to eat.
i was straining to hear and remember the places she mentioned so i could go tell Lesley about it hahah
at one point she was like 'are you going to the easter show'? and when the guy said 'no i'll be there about a month too late' i felt so incredibly tempted to go 'I WILL BE THERE! I WILL!!'
and then after that very informative lunch, i bumped into one of the MDs in the lift.
he's a damn nice guy and he always talks to me about stuff and encourages me to quit. so anyway, he was all started telling me about travelling around europe!
santorini (which is one place i REALLLYYY want to go to) and all the other greek islands.
wah that made being in the office that afternoon THIS much worse.

on another note, i got blissfully reminded that THIS IS MY LAST WEEK OF WORK! hehheh
doreen the receptionist (she's so old i feel kinda weird not calling her aunty) was like 'xiao mei ah (everyone there calls me that iono why) how do you feel now that your days are numbered?'
hahh honestly i am shit happy. just that obviously i'll miss the people. there was this survey i think i saw it in the papers, it stated that most employees ranked good colleagues as a more important factor than high wages in staying on at their jobs.
whereas employers ranked high wages as the most important factor.
soo true.

and also, this other MD walked past me, stopped in his tracks and went 'ACS AH!' cos i was wearing my AC sweater.
hahha i grinned damn widely and went 'yah!' and he made this cute thumbs up sign and disappeared down the hallway haha.
i wonder whether when i start work it'll be like that.. with little AC fraternities all over the offices of the CBD.
cos i've met quite a few Acsians in DBS already. lots of them in the FX side too.

i've got strange cuts on my hands and bruises on my shins and knees, i wonder whatsup with that.

on an entirely different note, our birkenstocks arrived today!
crysp's are BEYOOTIFUL as in they're really nice.. mine are alright, i'll get used to them haha
i just am not used to walking with my feet restrained within a certain area. like i keep stepping on the sides and it's very uncomfortable
and they aren't really broken into yet. and they look huge cos i have monster feet.
they hardly look dainty.. zzz

ALSO! cryspy is back!! and she tried my cookies she says they are the best she has ever tried.
no la she said they're 'quite nice' pooey i think so too haha ..
and she brought me spongebob boxers! and she hand carried mangoes, which is pretty funny cos louiza just came back from chiang mai too and she was telling me about the 'insane' ladies who went crazy at the market and bought back loads of mangoes. hahah a

travel, dbs, good times

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