Feb 17, 2006 12:42
Who is Cleutus and why does he suck?
Cleutus is a larger-than-golfball sized cyst in my sinus, responsible for making my left eye bulge out and twitch constantly, horrible migraines, a prolonged staph infection (he didn't cause it, just made it hard to irradicate), and constant sinus-infection-like symptoms. He keeps me feeling unenergetic and plain miserable on certain days. My ENT in GA is so popular and busy that he can't give me surgery for a while.
So, my dad told Kathy, our office-aid and all around hoot (right, Eric?), who is also a registered nurse, works afternoons for a doctor, and is getting her masters in nursing, about my illness. She set me up an appointment with her neighbor, a very good (knock on wood since I don't know his track record but have only been told) ENT. My mom faxed my old CAT scans down, so Kathy was excited to see them. She told me that the mass looks like it is still growing because there looks like there is activity in it and that it is attaching to or growing into the skull (wasn't really sure exactly what she said because it honestly freaked me out... are they going to have to cut my skull open????) She told me it would probably require immediate surgery... JOY.
I mean, I want this thing out right now, but she kind of freaked me out. I have heard--so this might not be true because it was a friend that said this--that cysts can turn cancerous. No good. So, I don't know if I'm freaking out over nothing or if this really is quasi to fully serious. I'll find out in about half an hour at the doc, but I don't like not knowing things.
So, I felt compelled to write about Cleutus again and get it off my brain (haha... punny). So... yay.