Okay, after a few hours of sleep, I think I'm a little more coherent now. The shock has wore off to the point that I can type.
Was this the most perfectly made movie ever? Nope. I wasn't expecting it to be. But, to me, ALL of the positives over-shadowed the negative. The negatives don't even exist in a little corner of my mind.
The theatre that I was at wasn't sold out but it had a good amount of an audience. We were all soooooo excited. Twilight t-shirts and merchandise everywhere. I even got a compliment on my Twilight hoodie. There was minimal screaming. Like I'm pretty sure in most theatres, it was some screaming. But it was mostly when characters first appeared like the Cullens and Jacob. That I was expecting. What I wasn't expecting was some obnoxious Jacob fangirls screaming, "MORE JACOB!!!!". They were so far up above me, it took some major control to not throw my slurpee at them. But other than that, the audience was really cool.
Now on to the movie.....*shock begins to seep in again*
deep breathes...
deep breathes...
Okay, lets start off with I am so happy that I never saw a hint of the actors in any of these characters, with the exception of Emmett as Kellan, but that was to be expected because I mean the first time I saw Kellan, I'm like, "dude! Its the real-life Emmett!! SQUEE!!" lol. It was just very well acted and just everyone was perfectly cast. NO ONE could replace these actors now. They are embedded in my brain. From Jessica all the way up to Carlisle.
When the movie first began, it was like a dream. I couldn't believe that it was Twilight ON MAH SCREEN!! Kristen was perfect as Bella. Which is where the whole not seeing actors in the characters. I didn't see not one bitchface lol. I thought the vunerability was there when it had to be. I saw the longing that she had for Edward in the second biology scene. I just really loved her. Their were some scenes where I wanted just a tad more from her, but like I said, positive over shadowed the negative. Kristen was Bella end of story.
FUCKING RPATTZ!!! Just, I can't even really put into words how much I loved him. Okay, one of my worries as I first reading the story, before I knew there was a movie in production was, how can these vampires show heartbreak if they can't cry. I just really felt for the actors that were going to have to give off such a look that you knew their heart was being torn to shreds. I didn't think anyone could do it, but Rob did it. The emotion that Edward had in his eyes, was just so, THERE. I could really feel it and see it. There were points where I actually thought he may burst into tears when he was showing Bella what he could do. There was so much angst in face all the time that I really appreciated when Edward got to smile and joke.
"Money, sex*cue a partial orgasm in my seat*, money, sex....cat" LOL!
-I don't think it can be stressed enough, CHARLIE FTW!!! Billy Burke was just soo good. And Charlie was just so funny. And I almost came apart when Bella was saying to goodbye and saying all those things to him as she was packing her bags. You can tell in his pleading that he didn't want to be alone or without her anymore. Him and Billy were just so hilarious. They were like little kids in the little play fight scene.
-Taylor suprised the fuck out of me. I wasn't feeling him at all through all the pics but when Jacob came on screen, I kinda swooned a little. And it was because of Taylor. I never felt that way for Jacob in any of the books. Sure I came to like him during BD, but I never really found him attractive. But it was there. I was little afraid that Taylor's uh, bubbly personality would show up during the scenes, but no, Jacob was pretty cool. Doesn't make me like New Moon more though.
-When Carlisle walked in, the audience almost died. I was not expecting to be knocked out of my fucking seat by his appearance, but I was. The man was beautiful. McDreamy who? I have a new appreciation for Carlisle.
-I was always kinda iffy on Jackson as Jasper, I never hated it, I just knew that I was gonna have to see the movie in order to really love him, and boy did I fall in love with him. When Jessica first said that Jasper always looked like he was in pain, and then the camera panned on him, it was sooo funny because of how true it was. The kitchen scene just looked like torture for him. You could really see that Jasper was holding back and trying to control himself. Again it was in the eyes. And come on, who didn't have a mini orgasm when he did that bat trick in the baseball scene.
-Nikki was great as Rosalie. I seriously thought she was gonna rip Bella's throat out in the baseball scene. The slow motion had me like WOW! I was scared for Bella. This also made me love the Nikki/Kristen friendship even more.
-The Nomads were casted perfectly. Victoria is fucking BADASS! When she whipped her hair out at the end of the movie I was like, "OOOOOHHHH SHIT!!" Cam was pefect.
Back to scenes. One of the things that really made me adore this movie was, even though I knew what was going to happen, I was still so caught into the scenes. Like when the moments were tense, I was tense, and I started moving around in my seat because I was getting impatient and worked up. I really enjoyed that feeling after. I felt like Catherine and the actors really did their job when they got that kinda reaction out of me.
1. Edward's introduction was EPIC. That's all I can say. For a second I think I held my breath as he walked through the door. And he just looked so beautiful. I think I would have threw up a little in my mouth if he had of ended up being some abercrombie looking idiot. Rob's face is just wierd and beautiful, and he was perfect.
2. The humans were HIlarious. The theatre was laughing their ass off at them. Mike was just too much. And he was actually cute. I never noticed how blue Mike Welsh's eye are. They just popped out when he first introduced. Um, Eric kinda seemed i dunno, gay, in some scenes. I really liked Angela and Jessica too.
3. The first biology was hilarious. Poor Bella. When she went to smell her hair, I just lost it. And she was so pissed with the way he acted and just left the room and in the office too.
4. You guys have no idea how much I loved that they played Eyes on Fire from the soundtrack.
5. The little fantasy/dream/nightmare of Edward biting Bella after she figured out what he was, was HAWT! I just loved the scenery, and Bella looked really sexy with that black dress and the dark lipstick and Edward was gorgeous and dangerous and just le sigh.
6. The second Biology scene was love. And extremely in the hall way when she noticed his eye color changing. He just walked away, and it was just hilarious.
7. The way this movie was shot was beautiful. When Bella is looking at Edward from across the school yard and the way he is looking at her was scary and yet so hot, especially when he followed her into the forest. She just knew he would follow.
8. The reveal scene was pretty cool. HE SPARKLED! And I didn't hate. I really didn't, it was so subtle and I think they did a very good job with it. I wish the meadow scene was longer, but I almost teared up a little because the chemistry of Edward/Bella was just so strong as they laid there just looking at each other. That's when you know you've got chem. When you can just eye fuck and the audience is still drawn. When he leaned into her against the rock, GUH, so hawt.
9. The montage as he talked the stuff he and his family did, was great. Edward just looked smoking while he was being drenched in rain. I'm really suprised Rob didn't come out with the flu after the movie was made.
10. KISS!!! KISS!!1 ZOMG!! I almost died. "DON'T MOVE!!" haha, i laughed the second time he said that. And then when he just pushed on the bed, all I could think was the way Rob and Kristen talked about how she wanted him to really attack her and how Bella probably liked it rough. You could really see that he lost control when he pushed her back. And then just flying like that. COCKBLOCK!! Seriously, I would love to see these two in an intense make out session. The crowd cheered when they finally locked lips.
11. The baseball scene was just EPIC EPIC WIN!! The music and everything was perfect. When Jasper kept playing with the bat, and Emmett went and ran up that tree to get the ball was SO FUCKING COOL. "That's my monkey man" LMAO. Alice did pitch a little funny. But it was also very graceful. The way her leg pointed up every time she went for the throw just screamed ballet dancer.
12. Everyone had chemistry. There wasnt a scene that felt out of place because of the actors, they all fit together. I got chills from the stare-down between James and Edward. Rob and Cam were really great.
13. I have to got my abosolute favorite scene, the montage of memories that Bella had as Edward sucked the venom out with "let Me Sign" playing. I almost cried. It just showed how epic those 2 really are. They belong together. The snowing the meadow and everything, it was just perfection.
14. The prom scene was beautiful. Edward looked fucking hot. I love whe guys where a suit and tie, but they leave the tie a little undone, and he just looked so fucking GQ. The kissing of the neck, UNF! And the second kiss, UNFx2.
WOW! This is a long post. I still don't think I got everything in there that I liked. I'm gonna try to either see again late tonight or tomorrow. Well definitely tomorrow.
Nothing could get me down from my high, not even the away message of some HP fan on my AIM list who called the movie a joke and said it was no HBP. NO ONE FUCKING CARES!!! If HP fans actually went into Twilight comparing it to HP, you know what, I think its just sad. I guess the media does have their hands so far up some of the HP fans' asses. Okay, maybe I was pissed. But it was because it was so immature. If you hated the movie because you just didn't like what they did with the adaptation, fine. But if you hated because it was no Harry motherfucking Potter, DIAF. Seriously.