I swear, I'm not sleep-deprived right now!

Dec 28, 2006 14:07

This is all... uh... ramble. I think. Maybe some of it is actually interesting? Okay, except the part entitled "new years~". That's just RL ramble that... is very hard to understand. XD

I made a disturbing discovery a couple nights ago.

I find it easier to fall asleep to Dir en grey than to alice nine.

XD; Uh...

I think it's because of Shinya and Kyo. Ah, Shou's voice... is lovely, yes, but... ... butit'snotKyo's. I'm trying to say this without being insulting, because then I could go back to the "Shou's voice slightly reminds me of hyde's, and I don't really like hyde's voice!" but I'm trying not to. So I'm just going to leave it at "Shou's voice is not like Kyo's".


The main reason is Shinya, actually. When I'm listening to alice nine. I think I try to focus on Tora and Hiroto... I don't hear Nao's drums as much. It's Shinya's steady beat that probably puts me to sleep. Well, not steady, per se, but... constant. All right, shut up. XD

Shinya makes me want to listen to X Japan, just so I can see how great Yoshiki really is. Because apparently, Shinya's drumming is amazing, but not as great as Yoshiki's? But then, I can just wait for that supposed band that Gackt and Yoshiki are forming in 2007. XD


"You're already whoring alice nine. You don't need to start whoring GazettE."
^ Actual thought. XD

"Aoi is visually appealing to my eyes."
^ Another actual thought. XDD
I think it's the lip ring. I still can't figure out whether he was the one that was posted on some forum, that I did a double-take at because even though he doesn't look like Miyavi, I saw the lip ring and had to check.

I dunno. He is visually appealing to my eyes. Very Miyavi- elegant-like.


So, Melanie and Alyssa are both having a New Year's party on... the same... day. Obviously. *cough*

Traditionally, it's always been Mel's house. As in, for the past four years. Actually, I've already made up my mind that I'm going to Mel's so I don't really know why I'm typing this. Because it's ramble and I can?

Anyway, traditionally, it's been Mel's house. But I guess... this is the first year that Alyssa doesn't have to go to Texas to see her dad. So she's really excited?

I dunno what I'm saying. Imma gonna start over.

Alyssa started dating Josh... well, they say they're dating, but I don't really think...

Imma starting over again.

Alyssa's been drifting from our little "group" for a year or so. I mean, we've all drifted a little, but at least we come back. Sam goes off with her band friends more often than before, but she still visits us in the morning. Mel has this crush on the fiftieth guy another guy, so she tries to hang out with his "group", but she still comes back in the morning. I like to talk to Elizabeth and Stacy, but I still get us a table before school.

A sector of our "group" has broken off, I guess. Mainly because they're couples. :P Liiike...

Alyssa and Josh
Hillary and... whatever his name is. Matt?
Mo and Scott GOD, GET A ROOM!
Vy and this guy (that no one even knew existed and most of us think she just got a boyfriend so she wouldn't be left out, LOL) named... Clay.

Um, yeah. I don't remember what I was talking about. Mel's party it is.


I was trying to figure out how long it's take my cards to reach Chelmsford. I mean, it took like, three days for my payment to reach tokidokiko in Hawaii, and it took another three days for a package to come back, but that's because of air mail. Seeing as I sent the cards out on... the 22nd? I knew there was a chance that the cards wouldn't reach Chelmsford by Christmas. I should think they've arrived by now, at least?

So I'm interested in the number of people that will actually try to contact me in some way or form. I do believe that I wrote "Write to me sometime!" on every card. XD

Besides, it's not like I've changed my email or AIM sn since I got them...

I still don't know whether Ronnie EXISTS anymore! WTF?!

... *sigh*


Ah, ah, actually... I found some old Chelmsford letters the other day, and I remembered why I harboured some animosity toward Ronnie. It seemed to have slipped my mind until then~ And I can't tell whether I'm angry right now, slightly annoyed, or depressed about it~~~

So... am I the only one amused by the fact that I can produce perfectly fairly legible blocks of text and then post something like this? XD

dir en grey, alice nine, sumi, ramble, chelmsford, school

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