(no subject)

Mar 05, 2004 20:11

Name: rosheen patricia jean mcalevey
Sex: girl
Age: 17
Siblings: brother Sean, 15
Status: seventeen years single
Pets: puppy tido and birdy paddy
Height: 5'5
Hair Color: brown w/ streaks
Eye Color: brown


Nervous Habits: i fidget a lot or play with my hair
Do you bite your nails?: nope
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: no chance
Can you blow smoke rings?: nope
Can you blow spit bubbles?: can't say that I've tried
Can you flare your nostrils?: apparently i do it while laughing
Can you cross your eyes?: sure can
Tattoos?: no
Piercing?: my ears
Do you make your bed daily?: not usually

What goes on first, underwear or socks?: underwear
Which shoe goes on first?: the right
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: clatta ring, kelly's ring she made in shop class, thumb fiddle ring, watch, bracelets and St. Bridges cross necklace
What's sexiest on a guy?: dress shirt with sleeves rolled up and a loose neck tie... accents don't hurt either lol
What's sexiest on a girl?: haven't really much thought about it
Favorite Piece of Clothing: polar bear transport baseball tee


Have you ever eaten Spam?: when i was younger during the summers at my baby-sitter's house. we couldn't go outside to play unless we finished it all
Favorite Ice Cream? cotton candy
How many cereals in your cabinet?: two\three
What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: knife and fork


How often do you brush your teeth?: depending on the day sometimes once before and after breakfast, and then usually following a substantial meal and supper. braces pretty much require a toothbrush with you at all times
How often do you shower/bathe?: shower every other day as well as after the gym... and i've gained a gross habit of washing my hair everyday... i really must stop that
How long does your shower last?: in the morning usually 10 minutes.... other than that it varies
Hair drying method?: a little towel drying then blow drying
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: yes


If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink it?: no
Would you rather have genital herpes or be 50 lbs. heavier? 50 lbs it can always be worked off
If you inherited a million dollars, what's the first thing you'd buy?: buy/pay my parents mortgage
Do you swear?: not if i can help it
Do you ever spit?: no


Animal: koala/panda/piglets
Food: lemon meringue pie minus the meringue
Month: May
Day: Saturday.. it's such a relaxing day
Cartoon: Care Bears/My Little Ponies
Flower: white roses
Shoe Brand: --------
Subject in school: music and oddly enough, math
Color: green, orange, pink, yellow.... all the bright ones
TV show: the oc, 7th Heaven, Joan of Arcadia
Movie: A Walk to Remember, the Wedding Planner, Mulan, Dirty Dancing
Holiday: Easter
Favorite Book: Mrs. Mike
The Vacationing Spot: Lune Lake
TV Station: Superstation/Prime/Dejavu it's all about the old school holesome shows


The CD Player: Switchfoot, FeFe Dobson, Hilary Duff, AWTR Soundtrack, Mix CD and Josh Groban-Closer
Person you talk most on the phone with: Kelly
Ever taken a cab?: yes
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: i try not to but it's hard not to
What color is your bedroom?: an odd and creepy flowery wall paper that's probably been there for 20 years
Do you use an alarm clock?: i'm supposed to but i don't
Name one thing you are obsessed with: -------
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex?: no
Ever sunbathed nude?: i don't think i've sunbathed
Window seat or aisle?: deffinetly window seat


What's your sleeping position?: on my side
What kind of bed do you like?: simmons beauty rest... the really soft comfy ones
Do you snore?: no
Do you sleepwalk?: nope
Do you talk in your sleep?: no
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: piglet and dukie, Teddy the teddy bear sits at the foot of my bed to protect me


Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi!!!!!
Apples or Oranges?: apples
One pillow or two?: seven
Deaf or blind?: blind
Pools or hot tubs?: hot tubs
Blondes or brunettes?: brunettes
Tall or short?: in between
TV or radio?: tv
Tic-Tacs or Certs?: tic-tacs
Snooze button or jump out of bed?: snooze button
Sunrise or Sunset?: sunset, i can never get up early enough to see the sunrise
Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: cheeseburger
Morning or night?: despite being a sleepy head i much prefer the morning
Indoors or outdoors?: outdoors
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: christmas eve
Cake or ice cream?: ice cream cake
Bert or Ernie?: Ernie
Spicy or Mild?: mild
Spearmint or Peppermint?: peppermint
Call or Write? call
Peanut Butter or Jelly?: jelly
Dog or Cat?: dog
Bath or shower?: shower
Book or Movie?: book
Green or Red apples?: green apples
Rain or Snow?: rain
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