Jun 03, 2005 22:34
[1] Name: charles hickman combs davis
[2] Age: 15
[3] Sex: male
[4] Star sign: cancer
[5] B’day: 7/5/1989 (july 5th, 1989)
[6] Nicknames: tweeder, pooh, winnie the pooh, pooh bear
[7] Hair color: red
[8] Long Hair/Short Hair: kinda long but not like at my ass
[9] Eye color: greenish brown
[10] Height: 5'7
[11] School: pikeville high school
[12] School colors: Maroon & White
[13] Grade: 9, well 10 now
[14] Fave male teacher: coach salyers
[15] Fave female teacher: mrs. kennon
[16] Worst male teacher: only one male teacher, but definetly coach lawson
[17] Worst female teacher: mrs. riccio, EW GOD
[18] Fave subject: psychology
[19] Worst subject: every toher one
People You Know...
[20] Funnest: keegan, michael, brad, and lori
[21] Funniest: keegan, michael and brad
[22] Best for advice: launren branham and erica newsome
[23] Prettiest: lori
[24] Ugliest: bri, she looks etheopian
[25] Nicest: lori
[26] Meanest: lori
[27] Smartest: lauren branham and lori
[28] Best friend: michael
[29] Worst enemy: gabe
[30] Wildest: keegan
[31] Craziest: me
[32] Loudest: kelli kerr
[33] Quietest: samantha sword
[34] Most calm: michael
[35] Best for guy advice: no one really
[36] Who knows all your secrets: lori
[37] Whose secrets do u no: no ones really
[38] Shyest: samantha sword
[39] Teacher’s pet: jessica kitts
[40] Who gets in most trouble: keegan, he gets caught for everything
[41] Class clown: me, keegan and brad
[42] You <3 the most: lori
[43] Most understanding: lori
[44] Most trustworthy: lori or erica newsome, shes AWESOME
[45] Best hair: lori or michael
[46] Biggest flirt: no one really
[47] Best handwriting: lori
Do you…
[48] Believe in God: no
[49] Dress up on Halloween: YES!! spiderman baby
[50] Like to travel: nope, we always go in a car
[51] Ever have the falling dream: everytime i fall asleep in school
[52] Have stuffed animals: yeah, ALOT
[53] Believe in magic: sometimes
[54] Do your own laundry: yes
[55] Clean your house: my room
[56] Own a furby: yeah
[57] Like hugs: yes
[58] Like kisses: ADDICTED!!!!!
[59] Have a job: yes
[60] Keep a diary: this one
[61] Wear make-up: all the time
[62] Wear glasses: yes
[63] Have any peircings: nope, getting my ear pierced, maybe my lip and tounge
[64] Want to kill someone: yes
[65] Love Someone At The Moment: madly
[66] Who: lori
[67] Know the national anthem: yes
[68] Talk to yourself: all the time
[69] Talk to your pets: all the time
[70] Snore: yes, i talk
[71] Books: helter skelter
[72] Kind of chain letters: hate them
[73] Poems: loris and ericas
[74] TV shows: lots of them, king of the hill, southpark, the shield
[75] Male singer: daron malakian
[76] Female singer: kittie
[77] CD: mesmerize
[78] Bands: read the other post lol
[79] Movies: the patriot, basically mel gibson movies
[80] Musicals: phantom of theopera
[81] Song: system of a down-violent pornography
[82] Website: www.systemofadown.com
[83] Music Award Show: mtv music awards
[84] Music Video: B.Y.O.B
[85] Soda: Dr pepper
[86] Fast Food Place: wendys
[87] What do you get there: spicy chicken samich, GYAHD theyre good
[89] Kind of pizza: barbeque chicken and bacon
[90] Ice cream: mint chocolate chip
[91] Holiday: christmas
[92] Thing to do in winter: play int he snow
[93] Thing to do in summer: nothing......
[94] Thing to do on weekends: sleep, go fishing
[95] Dream vacation spot: ireland
[96] Place to shop: hot topic
[97] Thing to do on a rainy day: nothing
[98] Thing to do on a sunny day: sit inside.....
[99] Color: black and orange
[100] Magazine: car & driver
[101] Place in your house: my room
[102] Place to be alone: my room
[103] Kind of house: mine
[104] Place to live: ireland
[105] Kind of occupation: anything with cars
[106] Memory from childhood: dono, have alot fo them
[107] Memory with friends: sleepovers
[108] Party you've ever been to: dono, probably when me and my brother got 2 24 packs of budweiser and we just sat around and got wasted
[109] Are you straight, gay, or bi: straight
[110] What are some of your pet peeves: alot of them
[111] What are some of your phobias: phobiaphobia
[112] Do you want children in the future: hellz yeah
113] Do you want to get married: of course
[114] How many fillings/cavities do you have: like....4
[115] Are you right or left handed: right
[116] What posters do you have on your walls: budweiser, pupppys, system of a down's sad statue, bunch of others
[117] What kind of house are you in: an old, 2 story house
[118] Have you ever broken a bone: nope, not yet
[119] Have you ever had stitches: yes
[120] What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever made out: loris dads truck
This Or That...
[121] Peanut butter/Jelly: both
[122] Drive/Walk: drive
[123] Good/Bad: good
[124] MTV/Comedy Central: comedy central
[125] Ice/Roller skating: basically the same, cept ones colder
[126] Purse/Wallet: wallet
[127] Chocolate milk/Regular milk: regular
128] Tall/Short: short
[129] Blue eyes/Brown eyes: blue
[130] Books/Movies: books
[131] Comedy/Horror: comedy
[132] Lights On/Off during a movie: Off
[133] Theater/Video: theater
[134] Red/Blue: blue
[135] Top/Bottom: Bottom
[136] Morning/Night: night
[137] Chocolate/Vanilla: vanilla
[138] Cat/Dog: Dog
[139] McDonalds/Burger King: McDonalds
[140] Metallica/Nirvana: METALLICA ROCKS MY SOCKS!
[141] Coke/Pepsi: pepsi
[142] Black/White: black
[143] Left handed/Right handed: right
[144] Mom/Dad: neither
[145] North America/South America: north
[146] Football/Rugby: rugby
[147] Gold/Silver: Silver
[148] CD's/Cassettes: cds
[149] TV/Cinema: cinema
[150] Video/DVD: DVD
[151] Glasses/Contact lenses: contacts
[152] Brown hair/Red hair: red
[153] Chinese/Italian: italian
[154] Ocean/Sea: pool
[155] Sun/Moon: moon
[156] Plane/Boat: boat
[157] Early bird/Night owl: night owl
[158] Jaguar/Mercades: mercedes
[159] Yellow/Blue: blue
[160] Windows/MAC: windows....
[161] Eminem/Dr Dre: neither, RAP SUCKS
[162] Buffy/Angel: who?
[163] Basketball/Baseball: basketball
[164] Curly hair/Straight har: straight
[165] Resees/Snickers: resees
About Girls...
[166] What do you look for in a girl: have u seen lori? i have high expectations
[167] Good girls/bad girls: bad
[168] Long hair/short hair on a girl: short
[169] Older or younger girls: do it matter?
[170] Do u have a gf: yes
[180] Who: lori
[190] Who do you like: lori
[191] Tall or short girls: short
[192] Fave hair color on a girl: red
[193] What's the most you've done with a girl: everything, whit lori, hehe, shes GOOD