When RPing a character - any character at all, canon-based or original - are the moral standings of that character important to you as a player? Do you feel conflicted if their standards are different (which is a really dumb and easily-answered question but I'm asking it anyway)? Is it easy to continue playing these characters, good/bad/neutrality
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Changing morals over time is alright as long as it works within character development. I don't set out to change a character; I set out to explore them. Development happening along the way is only natural, but I don't try to force it one way or the other.
With all that said, there are some types of characters that I have zero interest in playing, simply because I don't want to explore them. Sometimes that's due to a general lack of interest in whatever makes them tick. Other times, something about them makes me intensely personally uncomfortable, and I just ... don't want to touch that with a ten foot pole.
But personal squicks aside? It's a character, not me. That distinction is very clear within my own mind. If someone ever started thinking that I held to all the same beliefs as my characters, or followed their exact moral compass ... well gosh, I'd suggest they take a little step back and try getting to know me.
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