OC (Original Character) Meme
1) How you thought of their name
2) What made you create the character in the first place
3) How the character has changed over time (if they have changed)
4) Any random fun fact about that character
And seeing how I have an infinite number of them...I'll just shoot for three.; And I didn't really have many OCs in-game anyway, so this will do.
Blaine Lachlan
1) While looking through Scottish names and coming up with character concepts, I...decided to be very stupid. Blaine means 'yellow' and his last name is roughly 'land of lakes.' And he's use to be a dairy farmer. TWO AND TWO TOGETHER. Brand of sweet cream~ *bricked* But Blaine is a nice name. Also,
kyootulu found out it also ran along the lines of 'Voice of Reason,' which is pretty hilarious when considering all the madness that was going on in Pirate Land.
helbabe and
ninjajames had set up this mu*, see. The setting was historical fantasticness, and it included pirate themes. So of course it got my attention. Plus, I was able to play with people I haven't really played with back then. Why not? I just basically made the guy and he became the cook for the crew. And probably the one character that almost interacted with everybody. Sheesh.
3) From the start, he was suppose to be a support sort of character. Then again, this is what I mainly keep in mind for everyone I play. However, he had several important roles after things progressed. I don't really think he changed too much in-game, unless I totally overlooked things. He basically had a lot more common sense than the average pirate, keep to his standards, and yet he still had the guts to shoot at his captain. Rebelling against his captains was a theme, apparently. Blaine also had rage issues at times, but they were justified. Sort of. And the whole crush on the 'tempest of a Spaniard woman' thing was not suppose to happen, but it did. I wish we could've played out more of the stuff and see what happened because there was so much potential and so many things to throw out.
4) He and Aven accidentally invented french fries one time. This was going to be a running cooking theme in between things, but...we never got around to doing that all the time. I'm sure I had more random facts, but I don't remember them.
Mikhail Himura
1) Okay, so I just...randomly chose Mikhail as a character name because I liked the name Mikhail. But then I went with Shun Oguri as a PB/actor thing. And I didn't want to change the name. This put me in a rut for a moment. Asian. With Russian name. WHAT TO DO- oh hey, let's make him a hybrid. Russo-Japanese American college artist kid with SUPAH POWAHS. Totally works, man. Shut up.
2) Again, I was dragged invited to look at another mu* with the Heroes theme. It was interesting enough, and I had no idea how the actual FCs were, so the OC choice was much stronger. Joining the usual group in a cluster as a bunch of college-age kids, it made for potential fun times. And then I suddenly...started idling...
3) Again, I don't think Mikhail changed so much. He stayed consistently weird, but he had a moment of coolness. Or something. I remember he got punched out a lot. And...um. Well, I never really got to do any more than I could've.
4) Oh, he was...just odd. He was artsy. And he sometimes perched on things rather than sitting properly. And his fashion sense was hideous came directly from one of those Japanese clothing magazines. Just...wow.
Connor Morrison
1) Yes, I know. He's, like, a mess, but I don't care. Connor is one of the older alts I've had all this time. His name is reflecting his roots; I chose Connor because I liked the name. There was no real meaning behind it unless we go with the rough Anglicized translation of 'Dog or Wolf lover' (due to keeping a giant...wolf as a pet. Oh Idyz). Morrison was slapped on because he needed to be Scottish! I have no idea why I like Scottish tones and whatever. 'Son of Morris.' Yes, totally epic.
2) When I was but a little kid, I started making up characters as I went along. The third grade was the jump point, and by the time I started fifth or sixth grade I actually had more ideas to run with. Plus playing with an older sister (FOREVER 8D) who had other RP connections also added to this. So I had some background set: a group of teens (how original) somehow get these weird guardian things stuck into them (orbs of coolness) and...well, they don't know what to do with it. How they all come across their own orbs was hilarious in itself - I wrote the experiences somewhere, but that's another story. They needed someone who knew about all this junk already. GUESS WHERE CONNOR COMES IN.
3) YET AGAIN Connor was suppose to be a supporting cast character. His original archetype was the cool, collective 'goth' guy who had experience in this crazy fantastic power and combat stuff. And he pretty much blew off the other guys because of their greenhorn-ness, but he did manage to help them out a little bit. Other than that, he went off on his own to do beat up monsters and whatever. And then I suddenly decided to focus more on him and his backgrounds and whatnot, fleshing out his flat personality from 'jerk' to 'complete jerk with grump and actual feelings somewhere in there,' and...well...he was more interesting than the other people. I also dropped his own use of that orb thing after a while, leaving him with his fighting skills. It was only worse when he became a character who can fit into any scenario and still somewhat aware of his alternate realities. But that was also the cool part about it. I don't know. There's a lot.
4) He likes chocolate.