[RP] Scion Revisited:

Jan 04, 2010 16:16

My ankle joints (muscles? things?) are being weird whenever I walk around, but that totally has nothing to do with the Scion stuff I've been doing for the past three, four days.

Still working with Clément because I FOUND A WAY AROUND THINGS AH AH AH. It's not that different but it'll do. (And - sorta-old pic here.)

Pantheon: Pesedjet
God: Anubis (aka Inpu/Anpu etc.)

SUM UP of background: There's a family of morticians, newest shop owner dude and 'Uncle' work as partners ('Uncle' works with the family since there are close friend/business connections), the marriage thing: one wife passes away from illness, the other is married rather quickly afterward, Clément is born and ends up as the ill kid while business relations break up and get complicated blah, hints of 'weirdness' with spirit-seeing, 'Uncle' suddenly flounces 'disappears' a year or two later and is believed to be dead. Forever. SADNESS (?) but life goes on.

Clément slowly gets better, still seeing dead people like it's normal, goes to school and stuff, around age 16 (?) he gets a simple letter from someone mysteeeerious and breaks out of school to go meet with the stranger (HE LEARNED NOTHING). The 'Uncle' is found and Clément learns that the man is really ANUBIS and he's his son blah blah blah conversation as follows:

Anubis: OH HEY you also get to do this awesome job now, kid.
Clément: What-
Anubis: Yeah, it's cool you'll learn fast.
Clément: But-
Anubis: All you gotta do is do that thing, get dead people judged and so on so forth. Do better than your 'old man,' anyway. Hop to it, time's wasting.
Clément: ...

OKAY so it's not really going down like bad drama dialog, but that's the...main idea. Sorta. The kid obeys, does this job whenever he can and gets use to it (desensitization!?). AND THEN IT'S PRESENT DAY HELLO.

I'm looking at these purviews and boons and epic things and I've only picked out a few. What is it, Perception, Death, and whatever else is listed. Um. The rest of it is like...no. I just know he's not going to be that strong. Never.

Ugh. I don't know how you people can do this stat thing. I made the character! That's it.

original extra crispy, rp

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