[RP] UPdate Thing

Oct 20, 2008 13:50

For...everyone. This is...I don't really know what this post is, but I'll just get down the stuff I need to.


So I've been sort of active. Pft, more than that maybe. The last Bleach-related TP counts, and the scenes I do actually get myself into do, too. But let's see...

Alphonse is still in good standings. Although not totally in every single scene on the mu* he's been fine chilling until the important ones come up. He's had his fill during the TP, I'm sure. And then he has to chat with Greed again after the Pizza Party and stuff about Syndicate. I don't know if that's sekrit or not, but whatever. In the words of the Ghost Host: there's no turning back now.

Ikkaku also had screen time during the last TP and now has settled back into inactivity. Although still unaffiliated, he figures he can just hop into things whenever he's needed. Of course, that would be difficult because he doesn't get the information he needs. But does he really need an excuse for going out to bash things? And he needs to party with people. Or socialize. ARE THERE ANY SOCIAL EVENTS COMING UP OH HAY HALLOWEEN.

Kadaj is moving along slowly too. His meeting with a certain princess has been the most recent of things he's done so far. At least he has Yazoo with him. And...he really needs to get involved in more Black Alliance stuff. I don't know - he needs no reason for causing chaos either! Why is this so difficult, then?

Hijikata's out since...I have no drive to play him. And his mayo-eating habits are getting to me. Urefehfhefegh.

The main thing on Gate is that I need to ask people for RPage. That and some motivation to go do it. And I know people are like 'sure, RP_OK' but I feel like I'm going to bug them while they're doing something great and important. If it's not incessant bugging, it's incessant wallflowering. That's not good. I NEED OUENDAN!!! Or...not.


So far, it's sort of the same problem. Except it's not only me.

Karin is there. That's about it. :( Maybe she needs to kick a soccer ball at someone's head. Scratch that - she needs to do it.

Yoshinori has been somewhat active, and he's still has his character development pending. There are ideas, and I'm not sure how all of this is turning out. Um....yeah.

I have two more apps for this place, but whenever I try to write/type them, my mind goes blank. And it sucks. And...well, I don't know what else is going down for it. Hm.


Getting back into it!!! SLOWLY!!

Sora and co. are having some technical difficulties with the storyline but hopefully things will go back on track once there are fillings in the gaps and activity away from the other mu*s! I miss playing the happy kid who's now being sort of iffy about stuff. He's stuck trying to make out what is real and what isn't, and the people involved ARE NOT HELPING IT GO THE RIGHT WAY. But it's a good bad thing! I think. I just know we need to do EPIC scenes somehow and get other people in on it besides the small group we have now. Hoho.



About...a month or so ago, I was persuaded to create a character here. And so far, so good. Mikhail has been pretty active overall, and although he's not a part of the bigger TPs going on in the game, he's still doing stuff on the side. Plus, he's affecting people in some way, being connected to them and all. He still hasn't said anything about his nifty powers to anyone, and that's going to be adding to his other stuff because Miki needs to come on out and say stuff. I do plan to get in on the TPs if they're offered, but I've seen how fast the @mailing for specific ones go by so fast. Five minutes? Less than five? If sniper scene reservations happened on other places, then I shouldn't be surprised. But wow.


That sums up the character listings. Now, RP in general...

- No matter where I go, there are usually players that are instantly recognizable and popular with everyone else. It's not a bad thing because I know these people. I'm just wondering what it takes and how everything adds up to that level of awesome mu*ness. unclejam, you talked about this before right? Or something along the lines of it? Or am I...seeing things under your name just because...

- I'd go write up a TP, but I usually come up with something half-baked. Or...just a shred of something fun to do. Again, I look at other people and see how much thought they put into their TPs. And it's like....dude. HOW?!? XD;; Sadface and happy at the same time. It's because people are neat like that. That and the crazy contributions the other players add onto it.

- Concerning Canon/Feature Characters and Original Characters: the original character thing is always fun to go with because of the development. I do like playing FCs, but sometimes I find it hard to stick with what they already have going for them. However, if new material shows up for them, I can always work that into their game progress (COUGHIKKAKUCOUGH). On the original side, things just fall into place and take interesting turns for better or for worse. A character may or may not be messed up in the end. Or dead. One of those. I haven't played OCs for that long to see if it would actually happen, but it sounds fun...in a morbid way.

- I...don't know what else to add. QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/ETC. open.


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