So I've been away. So what?
There hasn't been much else to say. Pirates 3 is Awesome - I have no idea what those silly critics are talking about. I followed EVERYTHING. And, like the Disney nerd I am, laughed at references with Da Ninja. Went to the Haruhi thingy Tuesday. Not terribly freaked out by fan people, but still. Got the soundtrack Wednesday after going to the dentist.
Now, here's the strange thing: I got sick. Feverish, even. This is similar to last year's visit in the strangest way. The good thing is that the fever only lasted one night. Now I'm just stuck with coughing, congestion, and sniffles. Yay! :E But I'm sure it'll wear off....
That is, unless it decides to return once I visit the dentist again to refill a filling. Ooooh fun.
RP-wise: I suck. D: Sorry to you people in mu*land. I do need to catch up with things, but I feel I'm being lame. Hit me.
faetan , we will finish that scene one way or another. Guh. And
doomlimit, we shall play, too. Yar har.
artoni And OH!
- Finish Costume
- Give Set Rules On AX Hotel Room Stuff
- Brush Up On Disney Nerd-dom
- Try Studying For Drive Test
- Exercise (Pfft)
- Draw. DRAW.
- Get More Yarn
- Get Better
- Rar
OH MAN, Eve was right - this thing's SCREWY.