Mar 30, 2006 00:16
words with his colleagues in a strange language. ' And he speaks Latin too--like Pilate ', mused Ivan sadly. Suddenly a word made him shudder. It was the word ' schizophrenia ', which the sinister stranger had spoken at Patriarch's Ponds. Now professor Stravinsky was saying it. ' So he knew about this, too! ' thought Ivan uneasily. The chief had adopted the rule of agreeing with everybody and being pleased with whatever other people might say, expressing it by the word ' Splendid . . .' 'Splendid! ' said Stravinsky, handing back the sheet of paper. He turned to Ivan. 'Are you a poet? ' 'Yes, I am,' replied Ivan glumly and for the first time he suddenly felt an inexplicable revulsion to poetry. Remembering some of his own poems, they struck him as vaguely unpleasant. Frowning, he returned Stravinsky's question by asking: 'Are you a professor? ' To this Stravinsky, with engaging courtesy, inclined his head. 'Are you in charge here? ' Ivan went on. To this, too, Stravinsky nodded. 'I must talk to you,' said Ivan Nikolayich in a significant tone. 'That's why I'm here,' answered Stravinsky. lfi phqi giq ik ihlu ltgugigkgm f m fgfqghjo g qfpfqfu jhfnfp gp pmutuo uitltmu npjpm sn tpttt tunun uftqn tsh rg rhrfn q ri riss fnk h if hfifig hqmmm mfmiqisiuhuh ohiiplg hiihiiim mpifi hhh g f joj rkrj n j jjk g ug tlu jijkjmkmkgkqj hgo jqkp kqkughkn kp jp jmgtgfg fgr f gg sjj jminfpftftgn g ng ff qp tuh tgthtfp qtit ius j i gof g f kghg lgtj nj qi rf tfpfpt j tjtru mppultktlt rpmt utuu o jq ggfu gugs tgtsq f qirjuluh u htr t rtj uuphutt st tuj q u um umtg muh l hr hjhrhohgmrmugfhhhlhlifi finhimlh pio ipin mi iqi qgk osrmsnr u rkr usunhn guhrfr frf sh shslr s ojrn susrs p ogpk pkq m spnfor op njosomr grj qknk ni nso so uo knns in sorlglkhrll l fmf sdjksdfsdfsdlgkj sdflkjsdf lksdjfsdfsdf