Pandora's Awesome Box

Jan 19, 2006 10:00

This is one of the cooler things I've seen in a long while. Thanks goes to Josh.

Basically, you tell it an artist or song that you like, and it comes up with music with similar music qualities that you might like. You can then rate (I like it or I don't Like It) specific tracks to tailor your 'radio stations.' So you could make, say, an industrial station consisting of music like 'KMFDM' and 'VNV Nation' and 'Skinny Puppy' or an emo one based on whatever you scene kids listen to, or whatever the hell you feel like. There're som drawbacks, it's still entirely web-based (for now), but good lord if I'm not about to get a shitton more music in my collection.

It's linked to and to iTunes, so if you want to buy a track, there's the option for that too.
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