I hate it when I have a bad dream and it throws me off for the entire day.
Luckily, this time it didn't last long but the thought of it still is lingering. Ugh.
I have my 2nd midterm today. This one is for my Social Work intro class.
It shouldn't be too bad. I know the information but I am not a fan of multiple choice exams.
Yesterday Marlon and I took Marcus and Marek to the park.
We found this really nice park in Coral Gables.
It is right on the water and has a little "natural pool" to wade in.
At first Marek did not want to be there but once he saw us having fun, he did too.
Both of the boys got completely soaked and covered in sand.
But it was really fun and a beautiful park.
Marlon and I plan on going there again soon and spending the day.
I am happy that I am not home right now (that's a first!).
They got hammered with snow on Thursday and even more today!
I talked to my mom and she couldn't even see her car this morning.
Here are some pictures my step-mom sent me of the house:
These are taken at my dad's house. Yes, that is the car buried in the driveway. These are from Thursdays storm...
My dad had to shovel the driveway THEN plow! These are from this morning.
Just to let you know what is looks like minus the white stuff: