Title: Before the Dawn(SWM) Chapter 11
Author: mushnrice
Rating(By Chapter): PG-13
Pairing(s): Woohyun/Sunggyu, Myungsoo/Sungyeol/Sungjong, Dongwoo/Hoya
Summary: A mysterious slave who hides who he really is, a rebellious master who has a secret. Thrown together and mixed, will these two people’s lives be changed when they meet each other as Master
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;o; Finally an update~. I'm glad you're back. ^^ I think I might have to read back some to refresh on the story though... I'm curious as to what it is Dongwoo and Hoya actually 'want' and why they're at the different mansion... hm. Also, Woohyun's power isn't persuasion? It's all of those things? Aaah, only 5 more chapters... haha.
/face palms forever and ever/
Hahaha~ 5 more chapters and then you'll know everything! But really, I'm having trouble on the next chapter. *_*"
give me inspiration <33333 /shuts eyes and breathes in/
So... You can save a spot for me with this account now? ♥? :D
hehe... xD
Thanks for still sticking with me even after I kinda just upped and awayed!
-inspiration floats around in air for a while before poofing away again- D:
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