lemon lime & bitters

Jul 14, 2005 14:00


i have some photos to post i havent one this for ages so hopefully it turns out alright. oh mum got a laptop while we were overseas so now i can watch tv and go on the net at the same time..sweet! never had that luxury before. i feel so superior on a laptop lol.

i feel good i may not have a job but everything else seems to be prettyn good. cept it sucks its fucvking raining all the time. i really need my liscense even the 16 nyrn old bitch next door has her p's and shes like 3 yrs younger then me. paulies asleep he worked like 12 13 hours last night poor boy he will sleep for like 2 days. until he has to get up again to go to work.

we might be going to the drive in tonight there is fuck all on but i love the drive in sit there with your slippers and quilt and smoke bongs and drink while watching movies.

on opera they have pushy parents pushing there 4 years olds to do acting and ballet that is disgusting the poor kiddies are crying thier eyes out and are saying i hate ballet but yet they keep pushing them. and their last name is 'nutters' hehehe.

okay here are some photos from our trip;

Paul and I at Mexican/Going away party

First stop LA Airport

"Pink Ladies" op shop in LA

Adam Sandler at the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood

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