Feb 09, 2009 16:50
A. People who have been tagged must, if they choose to participate, write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question. Please italicize the new question if you do that.
B. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
01. What are your nicknames?
Kel, Mushy, Kelbell
02. How do you style your hair?
I straighten it now
03. What do you always carry with you?
my blackberry
04. Most recent obsession?
diet & exercise
05. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
somewhere in the middle, i think
06. What was the last book you read?
"green eggs and ham" by dr suess
07. Who is your favourite comedian/comedienne?
mitch hedburg
08. Who is your favourite local artist/band?
um... i guess the black mtn band or something idk theyre the only local band ive ever really seen haha
09. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
uh yeah
10. What was the last food-treat you ate?
strawberry shortcake yoplait light
11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
45 min - 1 hr
12. Do you have a certain style?
i dont think so
13. What can you always be found doing?
spacing out
14. Did you have any special stuffed animal, toy, or blanket when you were little?
a bear named BILL
15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
16. What's the last movie you saw?
He's not into you A++++ everyone should see it
17. Is the glass half empty or half full?
its just halfway
18. What is your least favourite thing to do that you have to do everyday?
wake up and come to work