So the second volume of Funimation's DVDs came out yesterday. I originally intended to get it on my Birthday, but I was allowed to open it early (hooray!). My expectations were high after the first volume, and they were met for the most part. However I noticed that on the back of the box under extra features it lists:
Mushi-shi Art Card
Since their wasn't one in my DVD case, I was wondering if anyone else got one. It's not a big deal, honestly, but I did get one in the first volume and thought it was really nice. Maybe there was a production error, or something to that degree...
Anyway, that issue aside, the second volume is equally impressive as the first. I haven't watched the DVD extras yet, but the episodes look virtually flawless and the insert booklet has good production art. So if you got the cash, go pick it up. If you don't have the cash, mooch off someone else so you do. XD
edit: Funimation has updated their official website.
If you go there, there's an update that states an exclusive canvas print signed by the director (Hiroshi Nagahama) and Ginko's VA (Yuto Nakano) will be auctioned of at Oni-Con in Texas. The best part is all the proceeds will be donated to
Make-A-Wish and
The Dream Foundation. You can read more about it and see an image,