[review] Live Action Mushishi Movie

Jun 09, 2007 13:05

First, a my non-spoiler-ific thoughts.

Wow. Really, wow. That was an amazing adaption, and an amazing film on its own. I basically went in to the movie expecting a different kind of story and everything than the manga and the anime, and I think that was the right mind-set to have; there were lots of things that were different, but at the same time a lot of it felt like it was closely related to the original work. The style and design overall were definitely "Mushishi", but the fact that it was live action made it so that everything had detail and reality.

Odagiri Joe (henceforth "OdaGin" :D) made a great Ginko, in my opinion. I wasn't very into him when I saw the trailer, but after seeing the movie I'm glad they cast him. He was the same Ginko, but just with a different face and voice. That, and the movie actually takes a more Ginko-centric route than the series, so OdaGin shows us a slightly more vulnerable and troubled side of Ginko... And, in general, he was hot. Yeah. I can say that. XD BERRY NICE.

They did a fantastic job mixing in the stories of "Tender Horns", "The Rain Falls, a Rainbow Forms", "A Sea of Brushes", and "One-Eyed Fish" so that it all turned into an over-arcing theme showing us "Ginko the Mushishi"'s life and who he is. Many parts of each of those stories were drastically changed, but I think it was done in an artful way and they had a definite plan when writing the movie's story like they did.

Like the series, the movie has a very calm, slow pace, which I was prepared for... but it's a little difficult to get used to that slow pace for a whole 2-hr 15-min film, compared to individual 22-min episodes. 0_0;;; So, it did feel long, but that really didn't matter much to me, because I didn't want it to end. XD

That's my non-spoiler thoughts. For people that were lucky enough to see it some other way, or who don't care and just want to see what happens anyway (BAD! BAD MUSHISHI FAN! HAVE PATIENCE!), please click below~!

Notable stuff in list format since I'm running out of time before I have to take off on a car trip!

- So, MAN, the Tokoyami and Ginko stuff... 0o0 I was amazed they decided to actually tackle that plot and develop it for themselves. I suppose they assume that Urushibara-sensei might not touch it again in the original work, so why not try it out themselves...? Heh. Wow. THAT WAS PRETTY CRAZY AND COOL.
- TANYUUxGINKO AAAAH. He said the word 'suki'!! HE DID!! Even though he was saying he can't say he likes her...
- Tanyuu was gorgeous and adorable and awesome. Her chopsticks and the sealing were drool-worthy.
- KoroxGinko? XD
- naked Ginko with white thing drapped over him in hot spring = BLATANT AND WONDERFUL FAN-SERVICE
- So much scary in that movie. Holy crap. 0_0
- Maho's actress should win an award. She was amazing, in her delivery, and that crying part. :O
- Hee hee, other Mushishi joking at Ginko that he's Tanyuu's 'pet'!! XD

There really is so much more to say than just that, but no use trying to actually write it all freaking out, and I'm sure I'll think even more different things about it after digesting what I saw over the next couple days. :D

Man, so now the next thing we get to look forward to is... US RELEASE OF THE DVDS~ :D


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