Ginko's name's fan-kanji

Mar 24, 2010 01:30

Out of no where, but, still thought I'd share.

I've been browsing Pixiv a whole bunch lately, and I've come across a fun little discovery; the Japanese fandom seems to have come up with kanji characters for Ginko's name, which is spelled with just katakana characters in canon! To be fair I've only seen it used by a few different artists so far, but hey, we all know it's kind of a small fandom.

Anyway, here it is! If you can't read Japanese characters, I'll see if I can't just take a screenshot tomorrow morning...


The 1st character, "銀" for "gin", is the same character used in Gintoki's name, the main character from Gintama! It means "silver"; pretty straight-forward. The 2nd character is what I was especially excited about, because you can't use the girls' name kanji for "ko", really. ;D It's "古" for "ko", and means ancient or old.


I-I'll just stick with ancient. Sounds more mysterious and all that.


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