So, I had a couple of suits due at the end of Sept, well to say the least I was not willing to wait that long. Here are a few updates on the suist I have created since July.
First up is Gypsy the vixen. This suit was much more complex then I thought it would be but did give me some new learnig experiences. It was the first of my all hand sewn heads that I have been doing.
After that A sharp german shepherd was compleated. This head features 3D eyes, a moving jaw and one floppy ear.
I went agead and did some work on my personal suit. I decided to revamp the look and make it match my newer work. Rio Refurbished! Funny enough, I went back and fixed her eyes after this photo was taken.
Yet another commission was compleated shortly after, Damien the demon Husky! He has cute big red eyes, horns and little demon head wings.
Still more to come, but here is what I have been up to.