Oct 21, 2009 21:19

OH GOSH. This will mean nothing to 99% of my f-list but AUHKSAAJNA HOUSE DRAMA AND MUSIC!!! (I do believe 2 people on here are from school?? :D)

The stress, emotions and worry....!! It has been my life for the last 3 weeks... every breaktime, lunchtime, free periods and after school has been HOUSE DRAMA REHEARSALS/PLANNING. To explain... basically you have to produce a 40minute show including dance, music, drama that includes every year from school- do costumes, script, lighting, sound, set... eveeeeerything! My school has 4 houses each with 2 captains and each is given a theme. Our was ASIA naturally making both me and my fellow (Indian) house captain rather chuffed.

But dudes, srsly. I haven't been thinking about anything else. I was waking up in the middle of the night remembering "... need to rehearse that, oh shit...."  etc. I think I've cried more in the past 2 days than I have in a looooong time. Amazing experience and I DO rather like the celebrity feeling around the school. Can't believe we pulled it off and I am so so SO proud of all the other house captains. I love them all and everyone who helped me and just supported me so so much.

We didn't win overall, but we were ALL frigging awesome which means just as much. We were all different and any one of us could've won :) The teachers said we were the best house captains the school's ever had... ;___;!! I'm seriously so happy/relieved etc!!! We won programme which means a lot to me since I made it all :D So much effort went into this!!! I can now rehearse groups, arrange music and conduct... plus I've been in the spotlight for a whole show now XD! waaaaw~!!

also... it's my last year at school :( OUR WHOLE YEAR IS AMAZING!!! I love everyone around me ridiculous amounts. It's knowing that I can totally be MYSELF all the time around these people and that I love them and they love me XD! There is no one in the year I don't feel comfortable with and I'd happily sit and talk to anyone in the common room. The whole year went out to TGI Fridays after and racked up a £1000 food bill, took the whole upper layer and sang, danced, screamed and loved everyone for the rest of the restaurant to see (or hear... XD haha). I'll miss this time of my life, but I know these people will be amazing for years to come!!! <3


Life goes on now... I guess, Franz Ferdinand & expo?? oh gosh...! (oh and personal statement and 3 weeks of homework to catch up on hahaha... oh well!)


friends, music, school

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