
Dec 02, 2008 22:54

'Cause everyone's doing it and if I don't join in with everyone then I won't be... one? I dunno, I'm procrastinating XD

Your rainbow is intensely shaded green, blue, and red.

What is says about you: You are a tranquil person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality. You get bored easily and want friends who will keep up with you.

Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.

Tranquil?? LOLOL NO.

"mood changes with its [nature's] cycles" - Is that a hormonal imbalance or Seasonal Affective Disorder? Hmm... I don't think I waver paticulary throughout the year.

The last bit's correct. I get bored easily (SO KEEP ME ENTERTAINED! HAHA!) but.... I think it sounds really mean to have "friends who will keep up with you" ><

I don't really like the look of my rainbow, it looks like the brightness has been turned down :(

-Today I painted a face for the first time in months! :D
-My friend and I are thinking of taking up life drawing classes together after school....
-I'm terrified of failing all my A Levels - I'm awful at Chemistry (seriously, I don't understand anything ;__;) and Art History is INSAAAAANE. I'm worried ;o; I don't want to regret any choices....


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