( application ) gilles de rais | caster

Dec 02, 2012 14:59

[Player name] Mei Zhu
[Age] Old
[Personal Journal]
[Other characters currently played]
Alphonse Elric | FullMetal Alchemist |
Morgana | BBC's Merlin |
Arashi Kishu | X/1999 |
Fujitaka Kinomoto | CardCaptor Sakura |
Ouka Sakaki | Weiss Kreuz |

[Character name] Caster (Previously Gilles de Rais; also known as Bluebeard)
[Age] Zombie He was 36 when he died...
[Canon] Fate/Zero
[Point in time taken from canon] Episode 13; after his religion talk with Ryuunosuke

(Warning: he's a really disgusting person. The wiki on Gilles de Rais, especially, might be hard to read through at points.)
Wiki on Caster
Wiki on Gilles de Rais (historical figure)

Gilles was once a distinguished nobleman and a brave General of the Royal Arms. He fought alongside Jeanne D'Arc for many years, and rose to glory as a hero of France. However, that man is no more. He slowly slipped into insanity after funding failed attempts to summon a demon and causing the deaths of hundreds of children as sacrifice.

He was captured by the Church and executed in 1440. However, one young serial killer's ambition to summon a demon brought him back as a servant in the Fourth Holy Grail War. Due to Ryuunosuke's mistakes in the summoning ritual, Gilles was wrongfully placed into the Caster class despite having never actually practiced magecraft while he was alive.

Either way, this Master/Servant match is a match made in Heaven. Or, perhaps, a match made in Hell would be more accurate. Like his Master, Caster lacks morality and enjoys killing. He likes to give his victims -- all children, similar to his practices while he was alive -- a brief momentary hope of release before going in for the kill. He explains to Ryuunosuke that there "is a certain freshness in fear" and that allowing his victims hope, it greatly amplifies their terror when finally faced with death. He uses his magecraft abilities to aid his Master in the torturing of his victims, such as keeping a human alive such that Ryuunosuke can use her organs as a musical instrument.

After seeing Saber, Caster becomes convinced that Saber is in fact Jeanne D'Arc, and that his true wish of her becoming resurrected had been answered. He immediately becomes obsessed with her, and is saddened when she reveals to him that she is not the woman he thinks she is. He does not believe her, however, and comes to the conclusion that she is simply confused and has not awaken to the truth. He takes it upon himself to force her to realize what he's convinced is the truth.

Caster believes that the reason Jeanne does not come to realize who she is, is because she is still stupidly believing in God and His protection. He has different views on God, however, and believes that God has no power of punishment. After all, he'd murdered and defiled hundreds of children during his lifetime and committed what he admits were the most vile things a man could do, and God allowed him to carry on. In the end, it wasn't God who ended him, but humans. Caster doesn't see his death as a punishment from God, but rather simply as robbery. He believes that he was sentenced and executed because the Church and the King desired his wealth. However, after speaking to Ryuunosuke, Caster has now become convinced that God is simply the writer of the story of the world, and that his role in this story is as an entertainer of sorts. He is pleased with this idea of a new religion based on the fact that murders like himself and Ryuunosuke are simply taking on unpleasant duties to earn a few smiles.

At this point, it is probably silly to even mention that Caster is, indeed, insane. After all, all evidence up until now has pointed toward that. However, despite his obvious insanity, Caster is not stupid. He still keeps many of the traits that he once held as a noble soldier of war. He displays the same bravery, being unafraid of a battle with both Lancer and Saber, but this can also be his downfall, seeing that he's so unafraid to go into battle with two other servants who are obviously stronger than he is. On the bright side, Caster does understand his limits, and he knows when to retreat when he needs to. He also displays twisted cunning, playing and toying with his victims (allowing them the slight hope of release) before he kills them and offers them up as sacrifice for his magecraft. He is able to formulate strategies, such as when he used children to lure Saber into a battle. He displays great physical strength uncommon to those usually placed in the Caster class (being able to crush a young boy's skill with his bare hand) which may also be due to his history as a knight.

One last thing to note about Caster is the fact that his emotions tend to change on a whim. He can go from laughing insanely one moment to weeping the immediate moment after. He does not bother to hide his emotions, preferring to be completely open with them. (Or perhaps, he simply does not have the ability.) He also does not seem to have much depth in emotions, as he tends to switch violently from one extreme to the other.

Wiki link
He will have Prelati's Spellbook with him, and he will be able to enable simple acts as well as summon his demonic amphibious familiars! It's never really specified what kinds of spells he can do or what his limits are, though examples of them are keeping a human alive despite her organs being spilled out onto a table, and brainwashing young children to follow him.

He also seems to have superhuman strength, since he is seen crushing a child's skull with one hand. In canon, he had a crystal ball he could use to observe others; he won't have that here, but he'll be using the Dreamberry.

Despite coming from the 1400s originally, Caster gained a great deal of knowledge about the present-day when he was summoned as a servant (as all servants do.) So he does actually understand technology and knows how things work in the present.

[Other important stuff]
Murder plot murder plot...
Gilles, historically, is known to have horribly defiled his victims before killing them. But that's not something I'm interested in playing out ever, so I'm playing him as asexual. There's no material in Fate/Zero that says he did anything sexual to any of his victims, so I'm playing off the assumption that his sex drive just never came with him when Ryuunosuke resurrected him as a servant.

He'll still be torturing his victims. It just won't be sexual.

Also, he seems to prefer referring to himself as "Bluebeard" which is a character from a story that is based off of him.

I'm telling you, he's a horrible person.

[Sample post]
[First Person]
What do you think of your home world?
It's an interesting place. Changed so much in the years... but still the same stage, with the same players. Ah, yes. It will create a beautiful show...

If you could go back home, would you? Why or why not?
I must return for my Jeanne! Jeeeeanne! Your faithful servant will return to you!

If I offered to save your soul for a price, would you go with it and why?
[ He just throws his hands into the air and laughs. It's jolting, shrill, and sounds like that of a man who has gone completely out of his minds. But he's obviously very amused by this question. ]

Murder. What is your opinion?
It's a delicious thing, isn't it? [ He says this with a smile, as though he's talking about a work of art. ] There are so many ways to accomplish it. When done right, the victim's face is the most beautiful work of art. [ His smile slowly twists just a little bit, and there's a hint of hunger in his eyes. ] Shall I show you?

Do you have any future goals or dreams? What are they?
I will create the most beautiful show for God! It will be nothing like he has ever seen before. And even Jeanne will be moved by its beauty.

Will you make a contract with me? /人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\
I already have a Master and a contract. But should our goals match, I would not mind assisting.

[Third Person]
It's dark out, but that's how Caster likes it. He slips out from his basement room and glides into the night, spellbook in hand. How many children will be wandering the streets tonight, he wonders? Or will he have to go into their houses...? He could always cast a spell, he supposes, to trick some child into trusting him. But where was the fun in that?

No... he needs something grand. Something that would make Ryuunosuke proud, were he here. Something... cool. There is no Jeanne here -- much to his disappointment -- so there is no need for sacrificing large amounts of children at a time for her. No, he can take his time this time... make sure to do a good job.

He spots a young girl crying in the streets. He approaches, smiling. It's a gentle smile, innocent and kind. "Are you lost?" The little girl nods, but shifts away just a little; it must be his face that terrifies her, because he's acting the complete gentleman. He reaches out a large hand, smile widening ever so slowly. "I'll help you find your mother. What is her name?"

Yes, this will do just perfectly.

[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] Because there are some characters in Som that I'd love to play him off of. Plus, everyone loves a good murder plot...
[Which rule was your favorite and why?] I like our AC
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] I mod here
[Any questions?] Do you guys have a preference where his threads should go? He might end up torturing one or two characters, probably children.

&fandom: fate/zero, !application, #game: somarium, + gilles de raise | caster

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