Feb 21, 2006 23:57

OK so i know i have been very quiet on the lj front but i was just trying to get back into the swing of this incredibly dull town. Anyhow i have had such a frustrating day that i need to vent, feel free to ignore.

So i emailed my honours supervisor when we got abck at the start of feb and waited for a response to my request for a meeting....nothing. Fair enough i think, she is probably still in hol's. two weeks later i try again and waited another week before i decided that i would just get to work without her sage advice...cue Tuesday. So i go inot Uni and wait 15 minutes for the admin recep to finish her smoke and come back up to work.

-When i ask when supervisor will be in recep girl looks uncomfortable and says "she left rather suddenly at the start of January to go work at USQ." It takes me 5 seconds to register what she has said and then my jaw starts to clench. "But she is supposed to be my supervisor" i say calmly to which recep chick respons " there is a seminar tomorrow and the new honours organiser will be able to allocate you someone then". Cool Ok i can deal with that, however what really ticks me off is that they are supposed to keep me informed of stuff, the fact that my 'ex'supervisor didn't tell me she was leaving was bad enough but that the admin staff hadn't bothered either really got on my goat.

Fine i think and ask for the keys to the resource room, only to find that they have turneed it into a tea room and taken all the articles and anth books away never to return, "but feel free to use it to work in" says recep. So I did and will continue to do so, taking up all the room on the (only) table in the room with my crap and generally making a nuisance of myself. It seemed to work really well with two of the lecturing staff apologising for disturbing me when they came in to microwave their lunch and then sheepishly taking it away to eat in their offices.

I say good!, i am sick of being nice to the people at this Uni only to have them shaft me at every turn. I am not a demanding person, i don't ask for much only to get some support in what i have been told over and over again is supposed to be the hardest year of my academic life. Needless to say when i got home in the afternoon i was seething, it is not often that i am so angry that i want to throw things violently, but today i reached my threshold. I have 4 months, 17,000 words to write and i am going to damn well make the staff earn their pay.
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