daily meaningless noise

Apr 01, 2009 23:09

These are small mobile blog posts from Twitter. The original function of LJ was to answer the question "What are you doing today?" Twitter answers the question "What are you doing right now?" The former is of course the integrand of the latter. I post these to LJ because I want to archive them better and I want my LJ friends to know what's going on with me even when I don't have time/energy to post.

07:52 is very unhappy about today's weather forecast.

07:52 is also dreading april fools' day jokes at her workplace.

07:54 kinda wants to get back under the covers but won't.

08:56 glad to be the first person at work this morning - hopefully will help avoid annoying pranks. working on TASH abstract. www.tash.org/

09:04 atlantans: is anyone interested in having a Metaverse Meetup in May?

10:46 my brain is dripping out my ears.

10:49 digital marketing world conference going on right now, virtual and free: www.marketingprofs.com/events/6/conference #mpworld

11:42 wow my thesis/community design project is even more exciting than I thought it was!

12:14 eating lunch and trying to remember what i did at work before the giant deadlines of the past week. people take breaks. who knew.

12:19 RT @NurtureGirl Toaster: u can dissect and put back together and understand the parts. Cats: dissecting them doesn't fully explain catness.

12:46 www.blogrunner.com/snapshot/D/9/3/april_fools_youtube_flails_amazon_cloud_computing_in_a_blimp_3d_chrome_browsing_google_masters_ai/

12:46 disability & inclusion news www.diversityworld.com/Disability/DN09/DN0903.htm #twittercrips #gimpgirl

15:21 RT @amoration Virtual Worlds Unconference #vwuncon happening with @stateofplay June 19-20 from New York Law School + in a server near you.
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