(no subject)

Apr 10, 2011 12:03

Adopt-A-Journal Meme

The following characters are being dropped, and they/their journals are in need of a good home!

☉ Comment here if you wish to adopt a journal/character.
☉ I will strip the information in order to proceed with the adoption!
☉ Screened comment, e-mail, or PM - I will send you the journal information however you like.
☉ Voila! Adoption proceedings, complete!

NOTE: This is first-come, first serve. I apologize beforehand if someone scoops up a journal.

Let me know if you have any questions!

lovemrbubbles Little Sister!Marlene
lovedmrbubbles Older LS!Marlene
earthlypleasure Good Omens!Tyki
minibooks Wee!Lavi
twistingphase Splicer!Tyki
revesombre Pharos!Rhode
chatducirque Kitty!Allen
redgolemkitty Lavi's Golemcat
phasingwolf Wolf!Tyki
thursdayrising Castiel!Lavi
clearingskies Pre-General!Klaud
sellingamore Family Business!Cross
spiritedphase Shadowman!Tyki
ivorylullabies Girllen stock
ivorylullaby Girllen
charminghistory Ravenclaw!Lavi
keepinggray ... Tyki-In-The-Middle
priusvitae Alma
gracingpaws Catform for Lulubelle
infidem Dragonflight!Lavi
inxfidem Dragonflight!Lavi stock
goldencadence Modified!Timcampy
reapingtrouble Reaper!Allen
miniblades Chibi-Yu (La Famile Doujin)
flitterblades Older-Yu (La Famile Doujin)

*general housekeeping, *ooc

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