→ Kanda's child is expected to arrive on October 31, 1901.
Kanda is going to feel an unnatural animosity toward the child* for some of the duration of the pregnancy. She seems convinced that the child, like the previous children that the Order had tried to conceive, will die. Because of this, she won't make much of an effort to prepare for the birth. Why prepare for something that's only going to fail? Kanda is very, very slowly starting to accept the fact that she is going to be a mother, although she is convinced that she is going to give it up for adoption as soon as it's born.
This will probably end up being a rough pregnancy for her, and one that she will prefer to endure alone -- unless someone really wormed their way under her skin.
(*) Kanda's thoughts in no way reflect the beliefs and views of the mun; only the muse