Sep 11, 2008 07:59
1) "We've given money back to the Canadian populace, especially the poor."
GST has been reduced by 2% granted, but on a consumption tax, that means you only save money when you spend money - another thing for his more wealthy buddies. The personal income tax exemption has not been significantly increased, the margin for the lowest bracket remains essentially static. Nothing for the average Canadian there.
2) "The reduction in GST has helped to spur business growth."
GST reduction means nothing to business. They collect this money on behalf of, and submit it to the government. When a store buys something and sells it to someone else, they pay GST on the initial purchase, charge GST on the sale and remit the difference to the governement. Whether GST is 0% or 50%, it has no effect on business, small or otherwise.
3) "The liberals did nothing for 8 years -"
Even if that were true, you've done nothing but point the finger for the last 2 and a half. You had the gall to use this excuse at international venues on climate change where there are no uneducated masses to actually buy this crap.
4) "Quebec is a sovereign nation within Canada"
No. They aren't. They are a province and collection of people within Canada who speak one of the nation's official languages. By catering to their stupid ideas, you may have doomed us all.
5) "Accountable government"
No. They aren't. Of all the scandals brought to light about the conservatives in the last few years (illegal election spending, helicopters and kickbacks, ... ) it's been all about cover-up, deny, sue for libel if anyone mentions it. The cabinet ministers cannot even speak to the press, or if they do, it's with a pre-approved script from which there is absolutely no deviation.
6) "Motion to bring legistlation before parliament"
Remember back when the Conservatives wanted to appease their far right members regarding the gay marriage issue in Canada by bringing it to the house? They brought a motion to bring legislation before parliament. This is a chicken-shit and underhanded move. You are the current ruling party - bring legislation and get shot down on a confidence motion or sit down and shut the hell up. Anyone with any brains should be calling you on failing your election promise to bring the gay marriage issue before the house because you didn't. Pansy.
I won't tell anyone who to vote for - there are a few great parties out there (way to go Green on getting invited to the national debates btw! - about damned time when you run in every national riding and the Bloc doesn't...), but I implore you, vote for a party that stands for things instead of just against them.