double drabble: The Hungry and the Hunters (Remus/Faith)

Apr 30, 2005 01:23

For voleuse, who thought I'd written Remus/Faith already. *g* Thanks to mousapelli for looking it over.

The Hungry and the Hunters | Remus/Faith | 200 words )

fic: xover, remus/faith, fic: btvs, fic: hp:xover

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voleuse April 30 2005, 05:26:31 UTC
Faith is the ultimate crossover character.



musesfool April 30 2005, 05:30:03 UTC
She so is! You know what I someone needs to write? Faith-Despair. Or Faith and all of the Endless.

And I need to switch a Faith icon back in at some point. I miss having one.

Also, thanks. *g*


_welsh_witch April 30 2005, 05:43:13 UTC
But Dream is so melancholy already. Why would you do that to him? LOL.


musesfool April 30 2005, 05:45:34 UTC
Heh. She could maybe meet Daniel? Though I think she might cheer Dream up a bit. Or at least he'd appreciate her sarcasm.


_welsh_witch April 30 2005, 16:37:30 UTC
That's true, I suppose. And she certainly has a lust for life.


musesfool April 30 2005, 18:12:52 UTC
God, Faith/Desire would be incendiary.


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