i've been shown up, but i've grown up

Mar 08, 2017 10:35

I forgot to switch to The Flash because I was half-asleep watching the Rangers, and they won! Though Tanner Glass was credited with a goal which means we'll never be rid of him now. Sigh. That Holden goal with him in front of the net was nice though. (Why didn't the goalie see through Glass? Because of the screen! ba-dum-tish. Sorry.) Anyway. Lundqvist looked great, though, more confident than he'd been earlier in the season, and Nash looks like he's feeling his oats, though he has yet to actually convert. Also what is that beard? He looks like an Amish farmer dude surprised by the scandal of the big city. And lastly, I wish Stepan had gotten an empty-netter, at least, just to get him off the schneid.


What I'm reading Wednesday:

what I've just finished
Um. Nothing? I'm still in the middle of reading things. For real though, the shorter commute is great time-wise but it does cut into my reading something fierce.

what I'm currently reading
I've put aside Hidden Figures for the moment in favor of The Guineveres by Sarah Domet, which came from the library on Sunday. It's okay so far? I don't really have any feelings about it one way or the other.

I'm also reading the first DC Bombshells trade and enjoying it. Superheroes fighting Nazis, as they were meant to! (Though seriously, Harper Row even here? Why not Steph and Cass? Sigh. I do like that Nell is involved, though.)

Listen, I'm not going to tell you DC is better than Marvel or v.v. because they are both terrible, but right now Marvel is making some really awful editorial decisions - or allowing Nick Spencer to make really awful decisions, anyway - so it's refreshing to read something that understands that as always the Nazis are the bad guys. I realize in this time of alternative facts things get confusing, but no matter what you call them - Death Eaters, Hydra, the Empire, the First Order, the alt-right - they are fascists bent on genocide and terror and they're the bad guys, always.

what I'm reading next
*hands* Probably the next Bombshells trade. I don't think I can catch up via individual issues, since there are 89 of 'em so far, so I guess I'll trade-wait. Sigh. As for books, I don't know!


Ugh, work. I am so confused.

I understand that the women's strike was time to coordinate with International Women's Day, but it is just bad timing for me. If it were next Wednesday, I would have happily stayed home. As it is, I didn't even know I was supposed to wear red, so I'm wearing grey and black, as per usual.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/915547.html.
people have commented there.

sports, memes: what i'm reading wednesday, comics: dc bombshells, books, my life so hard

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