you make me happy with the things you do

Mar 05, 2017 18:30

Since I haven't been sleeping well, I've been overcaffeinating, which means that I just slept worse, so after a very small cup of coffee yesterday and a decent (6 hours!) night's sleep last night, I didn't have any coffee today (I also slept for an hour on the train, which I generally try not to do, but it was very soothing), and so I have one hell of a headache. (I also didn't drink a lot of water, which usually forestalls the caffeine withdrawal headache, because of the aforementioned train trip.)

So I did go to see my dad, and he mostly slept through my visit. *hands* Yesterday he was feeling ornery, at least according to my sister, because he was having some serious back pain, and they wouldn't give him adequate painkillers, but after a couple of go-rounds with the nurses, they gave him something that worked. Today he said the pain was typical for him, and not nearly as bad as it was yesterday, so he refused the pain medication when the nurse offered it.

Amusingly, when I showed up and he was like, "Put on the TV," I put on the TV and there was Star Wars. It's like they knew I was coming! So we watched it. or I watched it and he snoozed through it. I left when it was over and Empire had started. Gotta love TNT, with their endless Star Wars and LotR marathons every weekend.

And there was Star Wars Rebels last night, which I enjoyed. MON & HERA! ♥♥♥

And also I posted a story yesterday:

Everything That Rises Must Converge (@ AO3)
Star Wars; Obi-Wan, Leia, Luke, Vader; g; AU; 5,165 words
In which Leia makes it to Tatooine's surface after the Tantive IV is boarded, and nobody is prepared for this particular family reunion.

This actually grew out of a tumblr post I made back in December, wishing that Obi-Wan had gotten to meet Leia, and wondering how that would go. But I couldn't figure out a way for him to survive once they were on the Death Star, so suddenly, on Friday afternoon, while I was supposed to be writing minutes, this idea sprang full-blown into being. I have never managed an Obi-Wan POV before, and I'm not sure I got it quite right, but it was fun to try.

silveronthetree and I were talking recently about telling the story from the POV of the person who knows the least, and how that can be a good technique for building tension and keeping the reader interested because they're learning stuff along with the POV character (or in some cases, where the even reader knows more than the POV character and thus you get some nice dramatic irony going). But in this case, I wanted Obi-Wan's POV as the person who knew the most because I wanted his responses to Leia (and to Luke and Leia together). I also enjoyed using the "obi-wan's casual relationship with the truth" tag, because gosh does he have one. (Otoh, it didn't quite merit a "sad bastard obi-wan" tag, but one day I'll use that.)

And then of course Vader showed up and he just takes over everything with his himness and his issues. But I can't resist letting him drama queen it up. I sent this gif set to my nephew the other day, thinking he must have seen Rogue One, and he was like, "I haven't, but I'm going to now! I love him!" and I was like, "*put-upon sigh* me too." Your problematic fave could never. ;p


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a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, life, we make our own fun, the skywalkers have no chill, my life so hard

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