I've been looking for the sunshine

Jan 23, 2017 12:54

January talking meme, day 23: secretsolitaire asked: City you could visit over and over again?

it would be a copout to say New York, right, since I live here? Even though there is so much to do and see that I have not done and seen? But of cities I have been that I would like to go back to, San Francisco probably tops the list followed closely by New Orleans. I feel like they also have so much to do and see that I have neither done nor seen since I was only there for work and thus, despite the occasional outing, spent most of my time holed up in various hotel conference rooms for work.


So the title of Star Wars VIII was revealed today and I guess I'm still working through my thoughts on it.


WIP roundups are going on all over so here are mine:

if you find yourself lost, dig, the Rey & Leia bonding story I tried to finish for More Joy Day but since I was utterly lacking in joy, was not able to. I'm still hung up on the details which should be handwaved as "for reasons not explored at this juncture they are in this situation" except I keep trying to explore them and that has led to a lot of deleting and rewriting. Sigh.

Talking Points, Luke and Rey and trying not to make the same mistakes past generations did.

nobody move, nobody get hurt and the movement and the spin, generally known as Thing One and Thing Two in this space, but I've been amused at the titles for so long that I need to share them. Hopefully they'll both be finished at some point in the near future! Writing happens, but since they're tied together so closely, it's a question of which POV better serves which part of the story, while leaving them both things that could stand on their own if they had to, but also make sense if read together as intended. So there's some referencing back and forth that happens as well. They're also AU, so there's figuring out how the changes impact events down the line. Sigh.

leave all your love and your longing behind, the SW drabble sequence, which I keep opening and closing because drabbles are hard. Or, rather, choosing that one moment/decision/scene to encapsulate each character is hard enough; writing it satisfactorily within 100 words is even harder.

how strangely my life is curved, aka, Ahsoka unfrozen in the future and Steve Rogersing her way through the Resistance.

Night Five, Anakin/Ahsoka trope fic ("there's only one bed at the space hotel!") for

Drive It Like You Stole It, the Han/Leia PWP that is basically nothing but a title and some notes. I have to figure out what the point is so I know whose POV to write from. *hands*

the untitled story where Force ghost!Obi-Wan haunts Darth Vader and Darth Vader is just like, "I already have an Obi-Wan in my head criticizing everything I do! What fresh hell is this?" also for

writing is hard!


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/904718.html.
people have commented there.

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, writing: wsip, movies: star wars, memes: 31 days of december, nyc, writing is hard!

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