he said things he hadn't said before

Jan 17, 2017 10:15

So I posted a story last evening:

No Exit (@ AO3)
Star Wars; Darth Vader/Ahsoka Tano; adult; 2,525 words
Ahsoka promised not to leave him again and Vader was going to hold her to it.

Contains nonconsensual and highly dubiously consensual sex, inappropriate uses of the Force, and nonconsensual breathplay (i.e., Force choking).

None of it is particularly graphic but it is creepy and fucked up. At least I hope it is. That's what I was aiming for. I also hope the warnings are sufficient. I took out "Stockholm syndrome" on consideration, because despite her...willingness to believe she could reach him, Ahsoka never comes around to Vader's POV, and she always has her own agenda. (I also feel like this is an example of Vader's inability to own his own actions. She promised not to leave and she's keeping that promise, but if he kills her, she's gone, so then the promise is broken and he'll blame her for that despite it being his own fault. *hands* Maybe she makes a daring escape after the story ends. That's what I'd like to believe. *g* But the story had to end on his realization, I think. He couldn't let it go on indefinitely. But I couldn't write him actually killing her.)


In other news, I used some of my Christmas money to order some cardigans and long sleeved T-shirts, so that I can be appropriate but not overheated at work. So many older ladies' style choices have become clear to me now! All hail the twin set, which allows for layering while looking professional. I also bought a couple of cute sparkly bracelets and earrings.


So this morning I tried out the Q for my daily commute and it was great. I mean, I still don't know which end of the platform serves me best for a quick change to the 1 at Times Square, and I lost about five minutes in Times Square because I wasn't at the best place to get to the 1, but it still only took about 35 minutes total travel time, which is amazing, and could be useful for mornings when I'm running late, or the weather is really bad. Of course, that was with everything running smoothly. I even got a seat on both trains, which I didn't expect. So it's nice to know that it's an option.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/903294.html.
people have commented there.

writing: my stories, nyc, shopping

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