i've been down here before and i know the way out

Jan 16, 2017 15:01

What's Next? = Lin-Manuel Miranda and the West Wing. I might have teared up a little.


January talking meme:
grammarwoman said, Of the shows you're watching now, list a few OTPs and NOTPs. Or if TPs aren't your thing, plots you're hoping for and against.

Hmm... I am definitely an OTP(/NOTP) kind of person, though I feel like the only real OTP I have right now for stuff I watch, in the sense that I absolutely cannot conceive of them being with other people, is Blip/Evelyn on Pitch. They're like Coach and Mrs. Coach, and I do not want them broken up ever, even if i"m not particularly involved in fannish activities about the show (um, I still haven't watched the final two episodes so please don't tell me they break up in them or something! that would be terrible.). Oh, and Xiomara/Rogelio on Jane the Virgin, but I'm also willing to see where the show goes with them being apart for now.

In terms of pairings I ship wholeheartedly, Kanan/Hera on Star Wars Rebels, definitely, and Jake/Amy on Brooklyn Nine Nine. I'm actually really impressed with how much they've made me love Jake/Amy because I was so not here for that when I started watching the show (and I do still occasionally long for Amy/Rosa). I've sort of fallen away from watching Arrow but I still ship Olicity, despite the missteps from the writers, and I'm on board with Alex/Maggie on Supergirl, absolutely.

I guess my real NOTP right now in terms of TV is Kara/Mon-El on Supergirl. Like, why? Why do that? I still don't understand anything about why they ditched Kara/James as a couple, and it makes me question the writers a lot.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/902793.html.
people have commented there.

tv: west wing, youtube, memes: 31 days of december, otp/shipping

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