sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven

Dec 22, 2016 10:42

laurificus just sent me this link: Which Beatle Has The Worse Christmas Song, Paul McCartney Or John Lennon?, asking if I had written it, but I said no, because if I had written it, there would be no competition. "Wonderful Christmastime" is ALWAYS THE WORST. ALWAYS. I'd like to scourge that song from the record and erase the flavor of those memory pops from my ear-tongues.


Have a year end meme:

Your main fandom of the year?
Star Wars.

Your favorite film watched this year?
Rogue One, Star Trek Beyond, Creed, Ghostbusters, CACW. I still haven't seen Moonlight, Moana, or Arrival though.

Your favorite book read this year?
Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom. Kaz and Inej hit so many bulletproof kinks, I can't even. Plus magical heists! It is the genre of my heart! (if this were best book I read this year, the answer would be different. I will probably do a best books of the year post next Wednesday.)

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
I'm not really an album person? I did listen to a lot of songs off Painkillers by Brian Fallon though, especially "Smoke" and "Honey Magnolia."

Your favorite TV show of the year?
Brooklyn Nine Nine - just consistently entertaining with so little fail!

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom. Give me ALL the Kaz/Inej fic.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Let's go with the Supergirl writers doing James Olsen dirty. What the hell? I am still not over it, and I just. What the freaking hell, writers? Like, you get a lot of points for how Alex has been handled, and for understanding what makes Clark Kent so great, but come the fuck on.

Your fandom boyfriend of the year?
In terms of people I wrote a way too many words about because they are a human catastrophe I apparently care about way too much? Anakin Skywalker. *facepalm*

Your fandom girlfriend of the year?
Ahsoka Tano! Rey! Amy Santiago! Evelyn Sanders! and perennially, Princess Leia.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Possibly the use of "Sabotage" in Star Trek Beyond. It took something that was a huge wtf? moment in the first reboot movie and turned it into a great moment. Or again talking about a musical cue, when the original Rocky theme finally played in Creed. I didn't think I was that emotionally invested in Rocky, but that was a great moment. Or, if we expand the definite of squee to something emotionally devastating but absolutely necessary, the Ahsoka-Vader confrontation in "Twilight of the Apprentice." And of course, there's also Vader's LAVA CASTLE and his terrible dad joke and his ability to kill many many rebels in a contained space - the red lightsaber lighting in the dark corridor was a fantastic moment. Wait, no, I know, Kaz's response when Inej asked if he would come for her if her legs were broken. I literally gasped out loud and clutched my chest when I read that.

The most missed of your old fandoms?
Sirius/Remus, always. And Firefly, too. Writing the crossover reminded me how much I loved writing those characters and that world, and how easy it was to slip into their voices.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
There are so many shows I need to watch, but I tend to get around to them eventually.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the coming year?
WONDER WOMAN. STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII. The Flash/Supergirl musical episode!


Now back to the chocolate mines. Cherry pistachio and then hazelnut clusters today. And the pb cups if I'm not too exhausted. I keep forgetting I have tomorrow as well. I really wish I could sleep. I'd also like to finish this last Yuletide treat.


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memes: fannish, don't make me shoot you, anakin skywalker: human disaster

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