i'm talking 'bout things that i know

Dec 07, 2016 11:11

So I posted my 23K word Finn/Rey road trip epic last night and didn't bother to post it here because I wanted to go to bed and now AO3 is down. So no one can read my story! Arrgh! I had anxiety dreams about it - that I'd left half the story out, or mistagged it, or it was riddled with typos, and therefore got no response whatsoever, but I didn't think there would be actual technical difficulties in the waking world. Bah.

Anyway, should you be interested in reading 23K words of Rey and Finn being adorable and also lectured about Force stuff by the ghost of Anakin Skywalker, here it is on Dreamwidth:

Celestial Navigation
Star Wars; Finn/Rey, Anakin; pg; 23,315 words
Finn and Rey's epic space road trip adventure, featuring pirates, kittens, and the Force ghost of Anakin Skywalker.

Or you can read it on AO3 when the site starts working properly again; here is the link: Celestial Navigation.

And okay, I admit I think a lot more about Anakin Skywalker than most people do, but I don't think it was just that particular alarming trait that made me laugh at last night's Flash. I think there really were, yet again, startling parallels with Barry that...are not what you want from your otherwise charming and good superhero. IJS.

The Flash: The Present
Not only is he unable to save his mother from being murdered, but now he's having visions of his girlfriend being murdered. At least I don't think they'll actually kill Iris off? But having Jay tell him to focus on the here and now, that the future isn't set in stone, I was like, "man, they just keep going there." Cisco was really wrong about which one of them he compared to Anakin last season. (Especially hilarious in an episode where Mark Hamill cameos.)

Anyway, like I said, I doubt Iris will be the one who dies, but HR is probably not long for the world, now that he's been invited to family Christmas and integrated himself more fully into Team Flash. I was going to say more honestly, but Savitar calling him "fake Wells" makes me wonder if he's using that face changer thing to look like Wells when he's really someone else. *hands* Anything is possible. It wouldn't be the first time, right?

Other than Barry being a dumbass and not immediately telling anyone else about the possible future, this episode had some fun stuff in it. THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE MALFOY. Also, Julian as an Indiana Jones wannabe was pretty hilarious. Of course Barry revealed himself and wished he could do so sooner, because apparently random co-workers get to know but his girlfriend from most of last season had to be kept in the dark! What the fuck writers? Why do you do this shit?

Anyway! I hope Joe's hot girlfriend doesn't turn out to be a baddie - I was braced for it when she took that phone call from her daughter at the party - and I hope Wally doesn't die or sacrifice himself to the Speed Force in the season finale. (I'll say it right now - they cannot MUST NOT kill off Joe. I will stop watching.) I want to see him and Iris be crimefighting siblings together! And it would give Iris something to do other than be Barry's supportive girlfriend. I did like "I got you a wallet." Candace Patton deserves so much better than the writing she gets as Earth 1 Iris. Otoh, Barry putting Iris's name on the lease of the condo was a little...iffy. He's lucky Iris seems to forgive him no matter what he does.

And the final bit with Caitlin making it snow for the carolers was lovely.

There was also Brooklyn Nine Nine, which had some funny moments was but was not at its best last night.


Books? Books.

What I've just finished
Aftermath: Life Debt by Chuck Wendig, which I liked but didn't love, because I'm not really emotionally invested in any of Wendig's new characters (except maybe Rae Sloane and only because she's a worthy adversary who I'd like to see come to the realization that fascism is bad, though I don't expect that to ever happen), except for the Leia stuff. ♥LEIA♥ She is not fucking around. "I would burn down the whole galaxy if I thought it was right." Her father's daughter indeed, and I don't mean Bail.

As usual, I spent this book wondering where the fuck Luke is (insert Poochie joke here) when his sister needs him, but also, what the fuck is Mon Mothma thinking? Leaving her a cipher is an odd choice, especially here when she has to be having some sense of deja vu in dealing with Leia. What does Mothma know and why don't we ever get to see her POV on anything?

Star Wars Annual 2 by Kelly Thompson, which also featured some great Leia content - I really like that they are giving her strong stuff in all the ancillary materials, but it still doesn't make up for the lack in the films. I am just saying. Anyway, this shows why she's so good at what she does - not just leading troops but swaying the hearts and minds of people, even those who start out wanting nothing to do with her. And it also shows how self-aware she is about what she does and the cost of doing it. Not to be a broken record or anything but ♥LEIA♥. She's only been my very favorite since I was 7, so *hands*

Rivers of London: Night Witches by Ben Aaronovitch, the second comics volume featuring Peter and Nightingale, and I wanted to like it more than I did, since it was ostensibly about Varvara, and I'm not sure if it was me or the book, but while I liked it okay, I didn't love it.

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. Hold the phone, folks, I think this might be the actual best book I've read this year. At least just from a writing standpoint. I've been more emotionally invested in others (TRK, CK) but this was just brilliantly written and compelling and delightful from start to finish. It's about Alexander Ilyich Rostov, who is sentenced to live the rest of his life in the Metropol Hotel in Moscow, and how he handles house arrest for decades. It's ridiculously good, with an excellent use of an omniscient narrator. Highly recommended.

Star Wars: Aphra #1
A good start to this new comic spinoff of Darth Vader. Some interesting backstory, and even more direct parallels of Aphra with Han (and Indiana Jones). We'll see how it goes.

What I'm reading now
I started Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon on the commute this morning, since I forgot to download my yuletide source material for review to my new iPad. Oops.

What I'm reading next
Redacted for Yuletide. I have a Board meeting tonight, but if I can't review canon and get something workable sketched out by Saturday morning, I might have to default. Arrgh.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/891928.html.
people have commented there.

comics: star wars: aphra, technology is not my friend, memes: what i'm reading wednesday, tv: the flash, books, books: star wars, tv: brooklyn nine-nine, comics: star wars, anakin skywalker: human disaster

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