he's an infectious personality

Nov 25, 2016 13:17

So Thanksgiving. I admit I was bracing, even though my sister and I agreed that there would be no politics talk, and we managed it, to the relief of several of us, I believe.

In fact, here are the most controversial statements made over the two days:

1. "Anakin Skywalker was the best Jedi of all time!" - Anthony V, immediately walked back to, "Well, after Obi-Wan," which is really the correct answer. We just laughed at him.

2. "I would root for the Cowboys if it came down to a Patriots-Cowboys Super Bowl." - me, immediately refuted by both Dom and Victor with "UNTHINKABLE!" My sister's family are Jets fans, except for her (she's a Giants fan like the P. side of the family), so they were all like, "Nah, we'd root against the Pats too."

And some slightly less controversial statements:

3. "These Thanksgiving jokes are so funny: 'What bird is best at the internet? The turkey, because it google google googles!'" - Nicki. And then she did the pun dog face, so we all laughed even though the joke was terrible.

4. "OMG, I love Barry Allen so much even when he's being a dumbass." - Alyssa, and I could not disagree.

5. "That end of the table is the cheesy end." - my dad, because all of the cheese for the antipasto was down at the other end of the table from us, so true, and also funny.

So it was good - the food was abundant and excellent, there was a variety of wine - I brought a bottle of the Willamette Valley Riesling that I love, and my sister had a bottle of Beringer red moscato, which is the first time I've found a reddish wine I actually found palatable. I believe I've mentioned that my grandfather made wine in the basement of the house I grew up in, and the smell was so powerful that it lingered for years, so red wine always tastes of musty basement to me, but this was sweeter than any other red I've had (though not nearly as sweet as a regular white moscato - it's listed as semi-sweet) and had just the tiniest hint of fizz. On ice it went down really smooth. I bet it would make a great base for sangria, too.

I did have a ridiculous moment where I thought I broke the box spring of the bed I was sleeping on, and I kept rolling off onto the floor, but then I flipped the mattress up, flipped the box spring over to have the right side up, and then lowered the mattress back down (it was a twin so it was manageable), and it was fine. But this morning, I was like, "Um, I think I broke the bed? and my brother in law was like, 'no, that's the die that's supposed to be under the mattress.'" so that worked out.

And then I had a quiet ride home on the train and got a cab right away so I'm home and ready for the Rangers game and then GILMORE GIRLS.

Now, I'm going to eat a bagel.


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