as a friend, as an old enemy

Nov 20, 2016 12:18

Caught up on some teevee yesterday so in brief:

Brooklyn Nine Nine: The Monster in the Closet
I still don't care for Pimento, but everything else in this episode was wildly hilarious, topped by Holt and the balloon arch and his final fistpump of "VINDICATION" when Rosa agreed it was beautiful. Also wow, Rosa's wedding dress was gorgeous. Also also, I was glad they resisted the temptation to have Jake and Amy get married instead, which is kind of where I thought they were going to go at one point. Drunk Rosa, Boyle, Terry, and Holt were hilarious. "I'm alliterating. Like some beatnik." Also, Jake having to be the adult with Gina and Pimento was pretty funny too. It's good that he's capable of it, even if he doesn't enjoy it.

Oh Alex. I did not expect to cry as much as I did in this episode, but I cried for her a lot. I guess there was a superhero plot too? Meh.

Jane the Virgin
I'm glad that Michael and Rafael finally came to some kind of real detente, and Xo opening a dance studio is perfect. Rogelio singing a modified version of "Beauty School Dropout" was also perfect! I liked how painful Jane and Alba's storyline was, but I really hope introducing the cousin doesn't launch the Villanueva story line too far into telenovela territory. Their plots work best closest to reality. Otoh, PETRA WTF? I don't want the bitch to be back! I want her to be friends with Jane! This is not going to go well for anyone. Sigh.

Star Wars Rebels: Iron Squadron
I can think of several ways this episode could have worked (e.g., by focusing on Sato and giving him some depth to go with his suddenly appearing nephew), but they did none of them, so I checked out early and spent most of it going "Ugh, teenagers." When Ezra is the least annoying teenage boy on the show, that is a problem. There is so much interesting stuff they could tackle: Sabine's family/background stuff, Hera and her family, Kanan and Maul, Wedge settling in with the Rebellion, and yet this is what they spent an episode on. I don't even know.


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