your eyes are an island

Nov 16, 2016 10:24

The Flash: Shade
Well that certainly was an episode of television.

I love you, Cisco, but you don't get to tell Caitlin's secrets like that! Especially since you kept your powers secret and freaked out for a while!

And Caitlin, turning evil is A CHOICE (or series of choices). You just don't get powers and then bam! You're killing people for fun! You don't just resign yourself to it. Especially not based on a vision! Cisco of all people should be more genre-savvy than that! ("Prophecies are tricky creatures. They don't tell you everything. You're the one that sets me free. If you hadn't come, I couldn't go. Think about that." - The Master, BtVS)

I also find HR super annoying even when he's being funny. Otoh, Earth-19 has MANY sentient gorillas? Give us an episode there!

At least Iris punched someone out this week. Unfortunately, it was Wally. Why didn't they send him to Earth 2 where Alchemy couldn't get to him? Idek.

Unfortunately, my DVR claimed there was a conflict and didn't record B99. My DVR, that will record every episode of Steven Universe at any time, despite my indicating it should only record new episodes that air at a specific time, suddenly can't record two shows at once. WHAT THE HELL? So I guess I'll have to track that down.

And now, the Wednesday reading meme:

What I've just finished
The Rook by Daniel O'Malley, which I enjoyed. Supernatural spyjinks with an amnesiac lady as the main character! It was a lot of fun.

What I'm reading now
As it has a habit of doing, the NYPL derailed my plans to read the sequel to The Rook by dropping not just one but two of the books I had on hold into my lap. So right now I'm finishing up Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War by Mary Roach, which I would like a lot more if it didn't spend so much time on things I am exceptionally squeamish about (i.e., surgery). Normally I read at lunch time but not this book. *shudders* Also the detour into bad smells and shark repellents, while amusing, just made me go "Wtf?" a lot. I'm much more interested in all the submarine stuff I'm reading about now.

What I'm reading next
Playing Dead: A Journey Through the World of Death Fraud by Elizabeth Greenwood, the second library book that arrived.

I might also pick up Rebecca Solnit's new book, Nonstop Metropolis: A New York City Atlas, after reading this lovely essay about the city (thanks to
umadoshi for the link). I've seen the ads on the subway, but maybe I'll bump it up the list. Or at least add my name to the hold list if there is one at the library.


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technology is not my friend, memes: what i'm reading wednesday, tv: the flash, books, nyc

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