Could end in burning flames or paradise

Nov 08, 2016 10:45

I had to take a benadryl to sleep last night, and I was still awake by 5:15 am, though I didn't roll out of bed until 6:05 or so, when I checked the line at my polling place (literally across the street from my apartment) and then brushed my teeth and got dressed so I could join it (by 6:15). It went all the way down to the avenue and turned the corner, filled that block, and then turned the corner again! But I was done and back home by 7 am so I'm glad I went early, even if I did spend 45 minutes on line. As always, it's interesting to talk to strangers when you feel like you're all in it together, and of course, there was almost a fight when some people cut the line because of poor communication from one of the poll workers. Even at 6:15 am and mostly uncaffeinated, New Yorkers are ready to throw down if someone cuts a line.

I know that NYC is not representative of the country, and so I can't make any guesses based on how the turnout was in my neighborhood (I made that mistake in 2004 and the line wasn't nearly as long), but it was nice to fill in that line of democratic candidates, most of whom were running unopposed, though I still miss the old voting booths with the little ticky buttons and the lever.

My voting sticker fluttered off my coat on the bus, which made me a little sad, but that was countered by the lovely little achy in the chestal area feeling I had seeing parents with young girls on the line, taking them in to vote for the first woman president.

I did a lot of happy crying on election night in 2008, and I hope I get to do the same tonight. I have to keep thinking positive thoughts since I can't get drunk at work.


SALLY SASSER IS A LUTHOR. EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE NOW. She's no Lionel, but she's pretty crafty in her own right. The girl is crafty like ice is cold! Um.

Anyway! Could Lena be any more into Kara? That was some serious Smallville levels of Luthor-digging-a-Super happening.

♥ALEX♥ That scene at the end with Maggie was so great. Though I'm disappointed we didn't get to see her talk it over with Kara. Take it with a grain of salt but the showrunner says, "Well, they're not dying, either of them, so we're not really thinking about that right now."

Mon-El had some funny moments, but he's a little too entitled LAX bro for me - is he really the Daxamite prince? - but I definitely got more of a sibling vibe with him and Kara in this episode, so maybe they won't go there? I mean, that hasn't stopped the CW before, but... maybe?

I guess James wants to be a superhero too? I don't feel like that worked very well, characterization-wise? Or, rather, "I'm tired of being the sidekick, I want to be The Hero" is a motivation, but it's just not a particularly noble one. I guess we'll see.

In other exciting DC TV news, Warner Bros. is developing a third season of Young Justice! I am definitely feeling the aster on this one.

Jane the Virgin:
Is there anything Rogelio can't do? Except break into American television? His stuff with Luisa and Rafael was great.

All the Villanueva family stuff was good - I love how much attention they give to growing and evolving the relationship between Alba and Xo, and how things are changing because Jane's not in the house anymore, but they're both more mature and more reliant on each other, so things can be better now.

Eh, Michael. I will never be totally into Jane/Michael, but I thought the fight over money seemed realistic.

And FINALLY Jane realized Anezka wasn't Petra! FINALLY. Let's get Petra moving again!

And lastly, this morning on the subway, I saw a dude watching The Clone Wars on his phone - the episode where Luminara and Ahsoka team up against Ventress. It made me smile, anyway. I'm always happy to see people enjoying the things I like in the wild, as it were.


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