seems to be fitting in very, very well

Nov 05, 2016 19:10

You know, the worst part of writing porn is...having to write the porn. Like, the set up was fun and there's some character work that I like, but I've written a lot of sex scenes over the years and it's just difficult to make them sound fresh and hot and in character.

In this particular case, I also have to not give into the urge to put the sex on hold for a disquisition on alien biology, culture, and sexual mores (nb: all made up by me, as I have no idea if any of that is ever explored in canon beyond broad strokes and for the purposes of 2000 words of PWP, I don't really care?), but I did think about it all before I started writing and could in fact write all about it. Sometimes I just want to be like, NO I REALLY DID CONSIDER ALL THIS STUFF THAT IS NOT IN THE STORY, but you can't really say that in the author's notes. I mean, you can, but meh. I don't like long explanatory author's notes. I'm always like, 'that's what LJ/DW is for.' And thus, this entry! *g*

Also, since
copracat pointed me at the term, I've been thinking about how to make a sedoretu work for various groups of characters, but I don't think it's really the configuration I need, because what I'm more interested in is, in some cases, overlapping three-way relationships, and okay, then there is definitely one het couple who doesn't have sex, but in other cases, I'm just like, "it's an OT4 and they're all sexually involved with each other"

Like, in the first case, I was thinking that surely someone's written the AU where it's Anakin/Padme/Obi-Wan/Satine, and clearly in this set up, Anakin and Satine do not have sex. They probably don't even speak very often and only when the others are present. But then I was like, I do still see the overlapping threesomes there in addition to the het couples and slash couples - Anakin/Padme/Obi-Wan, and Padme/Obi-Wan/Satine.

But the thing I've discovered I really want is the AU where it's Obi-Wan/Anakin/Padme/Ahsoka, and at first I was like, yeah, again, overlapping threesomes: Obi-Wan/Anakin/Padme and Anakin/Padme/Ahsoka, but then I was like, no, I really do also want Anakin/Ahsoka/Obi-Wan, though at first I was conceptualizing it as Obi-Wan\Anakin/Ahsoka, because I think Obi-Wan would feel the age gap between him and Ahsoka way more than everyone else would (and obviously, Ahsoka would probably have to be 17 or so, which I'm going to posit as age of consent on Coruscant for these purposes), but as with most things, I think Anakin would just wear him down to get his way in the end. *hands* (I didn't necessarily say these were healthy relationships, though certainly healthier than they ended up in canon.) And here is where I'd be able to pull out all the thinking I've done regarding Togruta biology and group marriage for this other story I'm writing where only the biological component is relevant and so the other stuff doesn't get mentioned.

I mean, part of me is like, "really? really, self? that's what you want?" but part of me is just like, let Anakin have the people he loves and maybe then he wouldn't be so susceptible to Palpatine's creepiness, and so doesn't fall, and therefore the galaxy is in slightly less trouble and his kids get to grow up with their parents.

I... may be writing several things where that's the underlying premise, though none of them are quite what I'm talking about here.

(I mean, in case you are not horrified enough, I have also been considering some seriously dub con Stockholm Syndrome post-Malachor Vader/Ahsoka, despite the fact that I am completely convinced that in canon, Darth Vader has neither the physical capacity nor the desire for anything sexual with anybody ever. And it's dub con instead of noncon because Ahsoka thinks she's reaching what's left of Anakin inside him, though possibly she's just delusional and has to tell herself that to survive. Let's just say it's the kind of fucked up thing I think about writing but rarely end up having the stomach to do so. I think I managed it in XMM and HP, back in the day, but not since.)

Anyway. I guess I've avoided the actual sex scenes long enough. Back to the grindstone.


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a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, darth vader: romantic failboat, writing is hard!, otp/shipping

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