let's get together and feel all right

Sep 26, 2016 10:40

Personally, I will not be watching the debate tonight. I don't need to feel any more anxious and nauseated about this election than I already do. I'll watch the Mets and feel uncomfortable about not wanting them to lose despite feeling like the Marlins should win after Jose Fernandez's tragic death. I just can't get over how young he was, and how much he'd already been through, and how much of his life was still ahead of him. I mean, Arnold Palmer was 87! At a certain point, it's sad, but you're like, he lived a great life, it's time to go.

also, L. has her first chemo treatment today, and I feel so helpless. *hands*

2016 can go suck an egg.


Star Wars Rebels
My main takeaway is that everybody just needs to listen to Hera and stop fucking up. ♥HERA♥

I can't imagine Kanan handing that Sith holocron off to the Lion Turtle, I mean, Bendu, isn't going to come back to bite him in the blubber. I also can't believe that Ezra's flirtation with the dark side will be wrapped up that neatly, but who knows?

Thrawn is like the one thing I liked from the EU books I read, so it's good to see him. Also, call me crazy but could we see a real face-turn from Agent Kallus this season?

Mostly I am just waiting for Bo-Katan to show up and bring the darksword thingy to Sabine.

Speaking of Star Wars, I posted a story yesterday:

Just a Little Bit of History Repeating (@ AO3)
Star Wars; Darth Vader & Princess Leia; AU; g; 3,735 words
"I'm in charge of security, Your Highness," Vader said, haughty and automatic, and had to shove away a sudden onslaught of memories. It was this building, he thought, and the presence of a small brunette senator with a smart mouth. That was all.

As I said in the note when I posted, there's a ton of these Luke & Vader get stranded and have to work together and bond etc. stories, and I love them, but I'm always like, but what about Leia??? And the truth is, you can't really have that kind of story within the OT timeline with Leia, because torture and Alderaan etc. So I set this before that, when she's still new in the Senate, and giving Vader a strong sense of deja vu all over again.

As the author *snerk* I can say that it was indeed the Emperor pulling the strings behind the scenes, for his own amusement, and in order to poke Vader in his sore spots and see what would happen; he didn't know about Leia's parentage, but he did pick up on the resemblance to Padme. What he didn't see was how he just orchestrated his own destruction, several years ahead of schedule.

(I guess this is where I confess that my super secret shameful Star Wars...secret is wanting some super dirty bad and wrong time travel Anakin/Leia that I will never ever write [because logistics of time travel make my head hurt] where they don't know! Anakin's like, she's cute and feisty and he figures he needs some experience before he meets Padme again! And Leia's like, I have no time for boys but he's cute and I'm never going to see him again [in my head he comes forward in time and Leia's at some kind of retreat for up-and-coming legislators? and they're both about 16, and they don't even use their real names! it's all very green worldy] so why not get it out of the way? But you as the reader are completely horrified at every turn! *facepalm*

Gosh, I can't believe I'm not deleting this, but eh, maybe I have finally given up on shame. Let the shunning begin.)

ANYWAY. I had this idea on Saturday and dinked around with writing it, but then I couldn't sleep so I was up early on Sunday morning and 3000 words later, there was a story. Originally they were going to be somewhere else, but I thought, no, it has to be Tatooine, for symmetry, but also because out in the Jundland Wastes, Obi-Wan is waking up in a cold sweat and has no idea why. If I do write a sequel, it will probably start with that. *snerk*

Speaking of whom, I have this other wip and Obi-Wan, who was previously Sir Not Appearing in This Story, has suddenly shown up and I'm like, 1. you are not supposed to be here and 2. I still have no real grasp on how to write you! at least it's not in his POV. I was going to delete and retrench, but then banter started happening and I am powerless to resist. Sigh. I guess we'll see if he sticks around.

Writing is hard!


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/874117.html.
people have commented there.

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, tv: star wars rebels, the skywalker family tragedy, writing is hard!

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